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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Jul 2009, 8:37 pm

I've recently contacted GRASP, the Global and Regional Asperger's Syndrome Partnership, to ask about starting my own support group through them in my area. In response, I received a rather long message on my machine questioning me repeatedly to make sure that GRASP is the right group for me, to read their site thoroughly, and to consider one of a number of other organizations that offer support to persons with Asperger's Syndrome. I've never heard of a nonprofit group, or any kind of organization, for that matter, putting so much emphasis on this before. Or actually, any emphasis whatsoever, since one would think the first response to getting free help from someone would be positive rather than cautionary.

My question is, is there anything about GRASP I should know about before getting involved? Their website didn't set off any red flags for me, except for the sort of criticism of Autism Speaks one comes to expect from peer-lead organizations, but theirs was more diplomatic than most. I have a good impression of them so far and I'd really like to get involved with them, but before I do I'd so very appreciate any advice someone might have. Thank you! :?


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29 Jul 2009, 8:56 pm

Well, having not heard much about it, and keeping in mind what my response would be, I would probably call them back and say, "Since you're asking me if I'm sure this is what I want to do, what reasons would there be for me to NOT join?" See if that works :)


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29 Jul 2009, 9:05 pm

I've never heard of GRASP, so browsed their site and am puzzled by their response. I suspect they do not want outsiders unknown to them to start support groups.

Does anyone here on WP attend a GRASP support group?


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29 Jul 2009, 9:13 pm

eh something sounds iffy about them kinda like the Mensa of the autsism world


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29 Jul 2009, 9:28 pm

They do this not because they are iffy but because they want you to know what you are getting into before committing to using their assistance. The rules they have set up are:

1) You must use their rules as to who attends and do not attend the meetings as well as their rules for removal for a person who is disruptive to the group

2) You must commit to meeting at a regular time and place

3) They are to handle all of the registration of meeting participants

4) Your group is to do a fundraiser once per year either for GRASP or for a local ASD cause.

This should be investigative work that should be done anyways whenever you are attaching your group to any other groups.

Also note that GRASP is not as militant as other groups such as WP and AFF when it comes to causes concerning adults with ASDs. They will let their opinions be known but they are more moderate when dealing with parents. This includes a statement of understanding between them and Autism Speaks. If you expect your group to have a more militant stance on issues, then GRASP may not be a good group to attach yourself to.

You should really read the site to see what they are about and talk to Mr. Carley is you have any questions.

I hope this helps.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Jul 2009, 10:34 pm

i read his book, but never attended a meeting. i found his book wuite helpful, as it was my first read following my diagnosis as an adult.

personally, i tend to window shop groups to decide if they are right for me, not the other way around. i am interested myself if anyone has attended one of these. i tend to roam the forums, but have wanted to meet another aspie at some point face to face.

maybe ask GRASP if you can contact some of their members to hear their thoughts?



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31 Jul 2009, 9:24 pm

Aoi wrote:
I've never heard of GRASP, so browsed their site and am puzzled by their response. I suspect they do not want outsiders unknown to them to start support groups.

Does anyone here on WP attend a GRASP support group?

i have attended GRASP support group meetings for over a year now and I find it wonderful. Its a way to vent and talk about common issues with people. IN REAL LIFE!! ! its hard for me to keep up conversation on the forums on wrong planet but in GRASP meetings its in Real time.