Autism, AD(H)D and methylphenidate (Ritalin and such)

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02 Aug 2009, 11:38 am

For those of you with autism and AD(H)D who took or take meds such as Ritalin, did you notice anything in regards to your autism?

Does it help you or not? And if not, do you think that has to do anything with your autism?

Do you feel that your autism changes while you're on it?

Do you feel more autistic or less autistic? Or are there symptoms that get stronger for you?

Does it have any kind of strange effect on you that you think comes from you having autism?

Autism + ADHD
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02 Aug 2009, 11:44 am

Heh, i've been taking Ritalin for a long time, but it's mostly to adress my ADD issues, it doesn't really has much effects on my AS.

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02 Aug 2009, 1:00 pm

I was on Ritalin for about a year back when I was in high school (long before I knew what AS was; it was for *suspected* ADD - I was never properly diagnosed, go figure). I don't really remember it having much of an effect on me at all, either positive or negative. I was also on Prozac (for OCD) and Trazodone (to help me sleep) at the time as well.


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02 Aug 2009, 2:28 pm

Interesting. My AS BF was essentially almost non-verbal through his entire childhood, until he tried ritalin as a teen. He says he then "developed a personality." I'm surprised more aspies haven't had this experience.

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02 Aug 2009, 3:58 pm

I have been taking Ritalin for the past month, and it's helping my ADHD a lot. I feel more confident with what I do at work, I don't second-guess myself as much or worry about my bosses ripping me a new one over a mistake I might have made. As far as all my autistic issues, everything is still there. I am losing weight and Ritalin is actually helping with that, so I am feeling better about myself and am a *little* more outgoing, but other than that, no changes.


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02 Aug 2009, 5:18 pm

Amphetamines in very small doses can be immensely helpful for me under proper circumstances, but they can lower my threshold for getting angry. I have no problems with eating or sleeping while on them....I am really trying to get a script....

I was prescribed Wellbutrin..on the other hand..for help with ADD...because the doc is not ready to give me stimulant meds... :? and it makes me sad, angry and confused...and unable to sleep....perhaps I just have not let myself get used to the stuff, but I hate the way it makes me feel...I find myself thinking about suicide several times a day when I take that stuff.


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02 Aug 2009, 5:19 pm

Amphetamines in very small doses can be immensely helpful for me under proper circumstances, but they can lower my threshold for getting angry. I have no problems with eating or sleeping while on them....I am really trying to get a script....

I was prescribed Wellbutrin..on the other hand..for help with ADD...because the doc is not ready to give me stimulant meds... :? and it makes me sad, angry and confused...and unable to sleep....perhaps I just have not let myself get used to the stuff, but I hate the way it makes me feel...I find myself thinking about suicide several times a day when I take that stuff.


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03 Aug 2009, 1:00 am

poopylungstuffing wrote:
Amphetamines in very small doses can be immensely helpful for me under proper circumstances, but they can lower my threshold for getting angry. I have no problems with eating or sleeping while on them....I am really trying to get a script....

I was prescribed Wellbutrin..on the other hand..for help with ADD...because the doc is not ready to give me stimulant meds... :? and it makes me sad, angry and confused...and unable to sleep....perhaps I just have not let myself get used to the stuff, but I hate the way it makes me feel...I find myself thinking about suicide several times a day when I take that stuff.

Wow, that sounds horrible. You should see a new doctor. You also sound like you might be depressed. Maybe you could try an anti-depressant and stimulant meds for A.D.D, that seems to work for a lot of people. I take Strattera which is not a stimulant) for A.D.D, and that works well for me, but it takes 1-4 weeks to take effect. But, if you do not trust your doctor, you should find another one. Do it quickly if you are feeling suicidal.

I hope you feel better soon.


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03 Aug 2009, 11:39 am

It was the wellbutrin...which is supposed to be an anti-depressant. I do not trust anti-depressants for my wonky brain chemistry...I am pretty sure that SSRIs do bad things to me.

I can handle the side-effects of stimulant meds much better.
Doctors are generallly not willing to prescribe them.... :(

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03 Aug 2009, 6:04 pm

I use rilatine MR.
Has an even spread for 8 to 12 hours, so you only have to take one pill a day and it has a smoother effect (no peaks or worn-out feelings between doses).

It helps to focus on boring tasks, but nothing more. Certainly doesn't 'cure' anything, just makes life a bit easyer.

My first experience with rilatine wasn't really good. I had higher grades at school, but my anxiety (which allready was pretty annoying) got even worse.
I had the feeling after a few months that my dose didn't do anything anymore, so the doctor simply subscribed more and more and more... On top of that, I sort of forgot how to draw, play guitar or any other creative stuff.

One day, I decided to quit the junk all together.

10 years later I started using rilatine again, but the MR version.
Helps a lot and doesn't have the side effects described above... I take 20mg/day for 6months now and I still don't get the feeling I'm getting too tollerant to the drug.


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03 Aug 2009, 6:27 pm

poopylungstuffing wrote:
It was the wellbutrin...which is supposed to be an anti-depressant. I do not trust anti-depressants for my wonky brain chemistry...I am pretty sure that SSRIs do bad things to me.

I can handle the side-effects of stimulant meds much better.
Doctors are generallly not willing to prescribe them.... :(
Have you asked about Strattera? If your problem is related to ADHD, maybe that would work as well as a stimulant--albeit with a gradual, not quick, effect.

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03 Aug 2009, 9:48 pm

All I remember from when I was on Ritalin was it zapped all my energy, made me want to sleep on my desk at school. I went off it for good when I graduated HS. (I was only on it during the school year, started on it when I was a little kid, dosages adjusted every few months)

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03 Aug 2009, 9:51 pm

My son was treated for 3 years quite successfully with Concerta. He was able to focus, much more follow through, he seemed much more capable of expressing himself fluidly, unfortunately, in year 3, tics developed. He's now taking Straterra, has been for about 4 months. It makes him very tired, nauseated and anxious starting about an hour after he takes it. We give it to him in the evening, so that he can sleep through most of these feelings. His focus is out of control, compared to the stimulants, but we couldn't let the ticcing continue. Now we're in a bit of a bind, he begins grade 7 in September and is SOOO disorganized that I believe it's going to be very tough for him.

I've taken Zoloft for obsessive thoughts, it helped break the cycle... but in the end made me feel emotionally numb.


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10 Aug 2009, 5:56 am

I'd love to try ritalin, the side effects aren't bad (no weight gain or xerostomia)

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10 Aug 2009, 6:45 am

I have not heard anything very good about Strattera. I really don't like the sound of the side-effects I keep hearing.


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10 Aug 2009, 5:46 pm

I've been on Methylphenidate(the generic.. but basically Ritalin) for awhile now. I have inattentive ADHD, but i've been on it since before i was diagnosed.... Originally i got put on it mostly to kind of pick me up and and focus me enough to want to actually get things done, since i tend to be really lethargic and it doesn't seem like i can even bring myself to get around to doing things i actually want to do a lot of the time. My psychiatrist thought a stimulant might help. Also on Paxil, by the way. But, yeah.. the ritalin has been helpful. I feel like i can focus my energy on things a little better, and, socially, i sometimes feel like it helps me to show more of a "personality." Sometimes it'll actually make me feel really talkative, and i'll get into a lot more conversations. It doesn't help the actual social skills that go along with that stuff, of course, but it's still nice to be a little more outgoing. I thought that effect was kind of strange, since i never really heard of that kind of effect being associated with ritalin... but, it kind of makes since when i think about the whole AS + ADHD combination. Since it does focus me more, though, if i get into something i'm interested in then it seems like i'm even more super-focused on it than usual, and time will get away from me even easier.