You all deserve an update.
I would say I felt suicidal unitl some time this morning. Last night I spontaneously burst into tears, and I knew I was in deep sh*t. But this morning I just managed to get my thinking cap on and abate the really dark stuff that seemed to have seiged me. It is like a battle, depression, and it is great to defeat it temporarily.
Guilt and shame are completely appropriate. Suicide is rather selfish. A suicidal person thinks about their pain alone, and thinks nothing about the others that love him/her that they leave behind. If you kill yourself, that will hurt the the people that you love dearly. If you don't think there isn't anyone that cares about you, you are wrong. Look at the replies in this thread. All these people care enough about you to try and offer you other avenues. Live for that. I know how it feels to have people you love die from painful diseases, and from their humvee flipping over. Stop and think about how painful it was to lose these people suddenly, and not have a chance to say goodbye to them. Now imagine how the people you love would feel if you intentionally caused them this pain?
Tell me why the f*** do u want to die any way? its passing your life for no one to enjoy it now if you commit suiside or even think about it call for help straight away. but please live for all the other people in the world. Part off me hopes that your thorghts a just a cry for help but if they aren't then i have no comment other than this: There was a boy who is a friend of my sister he stayed at my house over christmas eve and christamas morning because he wanted to die the reason he was at our house in the first place was so my sister could make sure he wouldent do it. now ask your self who in my life do i want to life for?
As it happens, I always have beleievd your family is your closest ally in life.
In a word, an awful lot of depression has its root when society and community won't let certain individuals appropriate the empathy they have for others. Its society that f*cks you up, not you're family.