whitetiger wrote:
I keep having the same 5-15 seconds of a song being re-looped and re-played constantly in my head, loudly. It's been happening for 3 days, ever since I quit taking abilify. Sometimes, the song changes. It's always something I don't like and haven't heard in years. A few times, I don't even know where the song comes from.
I posted on my bipolar website and people said it could be a symptom of bipolar but it is more commonly a symptom of OCD. This has never happened to me before. It's NOT the same kind of thing as getting a song stuck in your head. I mean, I'm hearing, "I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike!" over and over and over all day.
I keep rocking to the music that I can't shut off. I've tried the alphabet, counting, trying to sing another song, playing music. Nothing works. I just called my psychiatrist.
Does this happen with anyone else with autism?
How quickly did you go off the Abilify? My son has been on that, but we are in the process of slowly eliminating it. I understand you don't want to go off it too abruptly. It makes a lot of sense to me that you'd get some weird symptoms if you go off too quickly. By the way, can you believe how expensive that stuff is? I opened a new bottle the other day, and when I took out the wad of fake cotton, about 15 pills flung across my kitchen, because they were all wrapped up in that cottony stuff. It was like, AAAAAAHHHHHH!! !! ! That's like $500 worth of pills. Luckily I found them all. And luckily our insurance gets most of it. Except when they don't.
Anyway, let us know what the psychiatrist says. I'm betting it's a medication thing.