Well, technically I am a genius, but I'm not sure how I function in the real world. I used to think it was my IQ that caused my problems with other people, but knowing I was diagnosed auty as a kid explains things much better.
The narrow area in which I excel I'm exceptional at. But though this is useful to employers, I'm coming to believe that I'm not going to be able to use it for my career, because my career involves being around "norms", and they are incalculable.
People don't expect me to be good at maths, because I've never confessed to anyone that I'm auty apart from my son, who is aspie, and therefore deserves to know, and my brother who said, "yeah, I know." Turns out my Dad told him before he told me. And he only told me when I asked him if I'd ever been tested for anything mental. Anyway... people don't know I'm auty, so I don't have people expecting me to be good at maths, which is just as well, because I'm dyscalculic. I would find it very annoying if folks thought I could count!
What annoys me most in terms of stereotype is the public perception that auties and aspies have no feelings. I'm pretty sure that I feel things far more intensley than many NT's. It's like I never learned to filter my experience. At work I can't stim for comfort, which may contribute to the general stress.