I have a small network, mostly of people I know in real life or people I've known long-term online, on Facebook.
I've tried MMOs and similar (including Second Life) but I found them ultimately unsatisfying, in part due to the people - sometimes their attitudes, sometimes their unwillingness to get into the roleplaying side - and sometimes due to the limitations of any given platform. (Second Life, for example - the TARDISes on sale were nice but the environment was too buggy for them to work well, and my own attempts to build were stymied by the available basic shapes and transformations, both of which were very limited)
I'd like to game online more with the right kind of people, but even as far back as Half-Life, it's hard to get quality opposition...
"Be uncomfortable; be sand, not oil, in the machinery of this world." - Günter Eich (1907-1972)