Best teacher: A tie between 8th Grade teachers Mrs. Bazar, Mrs. Mcinturff, and Mrs. Davis, who were my Algebra 1, 8th Honors English, and 8th Social Studies. All three of them were absolutely hilarious and would not refrain from telling jokes in class. Plus, the understood who i was and did their best to help me out in the unstable school environment.
Worst: I will not speak her name, since i have a Voldemort-complex with her, so much that i can't speak her name without negative things happening. Anyways, she was a former special education teacher, and when she found out about me, she did her best to exploit my disability by, to put it in a nutshell, poking me with a stick (in a figurative sense) and saying "See? i told you he was bad!" when i blew up. Luckily, my parents took me to another class when She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named told my parens a number of bad things at the IEP meeting, including the supposed fact that it was my parent's fault for how i turned out. I assured you, if i had been there she would have not survived another day. Slimy b****.
Here we are, goin' far,
to save all that we love,
if we give all we got,
we will make it through,
Here we are, like a star,
shining bright on the world,
Today... Make evil go away!
"Code Lyoko" Theme