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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Sep 2009, 9:46 am

Not only have you helped many parents and children by giving them advice on diet etc. to alleviate some of the symptoms of their autism, you fought relentlessly to make vaccinations safer.

I personally know of a boy diagnosed with AS who is on a gluten free diet and therefore has not to take any meds at all for his fits.

Jenny, it is because of people like you that they took out the thimerosal in childhood vaccines.
To stand up like you did and fight for a cause you believe in for the better of all of us takes great courage and intelligence.

There are those people who feel they have to bash you and call you names for what ever reason I can not phantom.
I just think these people should ask to have the "thimerosal" put back into "their" shot, when they line up with their children or for themselves for their next vaccination.

It is easy to bash people when one has nothing else to do besides spending endless hoers a day on the computer.
The real heroes are out there fighting to improve other peoples lives.
Thank God for people like you Jenny Mc Carthy!
You are a great mom!


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07 Sep 2009, 10:11 am

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional or disciplinary response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

so, DNFTT means Do Not Feed The Troll.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Sep 2009, 10:41 am

why am I a troll?
I just found the previous thread on Jenny Mc Carthy very disturbing...

hell, why are you so angry at me, Merle?


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07 Sep 2009, 11:42 am

Biene wrote:
why am I a troll?
I just found the previous thread on Jenny Mc Carthy very disturbing...

hell, why are you so angry at me, Merle?

no anger, no feelings one way or the other, really. I see nothing personal in this, I don't even know you. I have had several complaints that you have an agenda and am following up on it.
When people post to an agenda they often do it to provoke other members and that is not allowed on Wrong

from the WP rules:
* behavior intended to provoke or belittle other members;
*anything else that purposely causes conflict with other members.

Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon

Snowy Owl
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07 Sep 2009, 11:46 am

I can assure you I do not have an agenda. I just read a book Jenny wrote once and her situation was so similar to mine.
My son had multiple seizures as well after his last vaccination and it was extremly frightening...


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07 Sep 2009, 12:38 pm

You may not have an agenda but please, look before you post. You may have read Jenny McCarthy's book and take on things but look at the other side of the debate too.

Yes Jenny has some valid points. Mainly, that doctors should listen to parents concerns rather than simply saying everything is alright and that the medical community should consider alternate vaccine schedules.

However, understand that the scientific community is still trying to prove or disprove that thimerosol causes autism. There has been no study which has survived scientific that proves that thimerosol or vaccines cause autism. As for the disprove part, how do you prove a negative? If you find out, please patent your discovery because the entire legal profession will pay you big dollars to do so.

Now, I do not agree with this community that Jenny should be villanized. However, I also do not agree that parents such as her should villanize us either the way that they do. The only way these problems are going to be solved is if we come together. Not treat each other they way that we have.


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07 Sep 2009, 1:08 pm

Take me to your dealer, Jenny. He must be selling
you the real thing in LSD, marijuana, heroin, or whatever
mood-manipulating substance you are taking right now. :wink:


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07 Sep 2009, 1:47 pm

I have gone back and read Biene's previous postings. There is certainly a strong, consistent opinion and an overriding desire to help her son become more "normal". This is her right.

In this case, Biene, you stepped a bit over the line though when you went from advocating the opinion to advocating a contrary opinion on a debate in an inflammatory way and railing against people who have hoers [sic] to spend on their computers (which could loosely be interpreted as an attack on many of us here).

The only inconsistency I could note in your posts is the fact that your son does NOT have AS and has been specifically diagnosed as not even being on the autism spectrum, yet you sometimes weigh in as if he does.

In her very first post, Biene wrote:
My now almost 14 year old son went for an Asperger's assessment more then one and a half years ago. He did not receive diagnosis( ADI-R scores were given below cut-off required to meet criteria for autism spectrum classification).

Unless I'm reading your post wrong. You go on to say he was diagnosed OCD. Without feeding the flames (and deliberately going a bit off-topic here), I'd like to know why you are doing this? Going around the professionals, proceeding as though he is on the spectrum, and advocating treatments that apply to your son, but would not necessarily apply to autism spectrum individuals?

Who am I? This guy!


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07 Sep 2009, 1:53 pm

Maybe her kid does well because he's gluten free.

The gluten free diet has been proven to be helpful to many people with ADHD, Autism, ADD, mood disorders ect.

It works well for me, I am still an Aspie but I don't get plagued by some of the things that used to cause me to have lots of anxiety.


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07 Sep 2009, 2:06 pm

No, she's not talking about her kid, but another kid she knows (read the post at the top there). Her son gets shots and seems better after them, although one of the more recent ones gave him seizures and scared her.

If you'd like to weigh in further on her behalf, you could go back and read all her posts too. There aren't that many and most of the recent ones are self-deleted.

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07 Sep 2009, 4:49 pm

Ok, if the OP can do it, so can I:

I wanna thank Ken Ham and the Discovery Institute for their scientific, peer-reviewed refutations of evolutionary theory. I didn't come from no stinkin' monkey, and the sooner we indoctrinate our kids against science, the quicker the moral fiber of our God-loving country will heal! People who believe in evolution are just evil Atheists who hate gawd! If evolution is true, why are there still monkeys? A country that believes in evolution ain't American! On a side note, I wanna thank Kent Hovind for his excellent job refuting galactic evolution, whatever that is, but I'm sure it's something evil, and possibly Atheist. He was so right that he's in prison now for tax evasion.

Ok, I think I've had enough right-wing for today. God, my brain hurts now... wait, I think I just... bah, nevermind. Seriously though, Jenna McCarthy is a bad person.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Sep 2009, 6:32 pm

Biene wrote:
There are those people who feel they have to bash you and call you names for what ever reason I can not phantom.

now, if you can't phantom it, why assume that we don't have good reason,
but in all seriousness we do have reasons, beginning with the fact that every study on the possible connection between autism and thimerosal (and there have been many) has shown no connection at all, except for the Wakefield study, which has been thoroughly discredited, by not just the fact that it directly contradicts several times more scientific research than it consists of, nor that and the fact that he is a gastroenterologist, and therefor not qualified to research neurological conditions, but also of the evidence showing him to have been financially biased by outside parties and all involved in the study who want to keep their scientific credibility have stopped supporting it's results, making a fairly good argument against it (remember now that's all the anti-vaccine groups had in the way of science, at least in terms of autism)
and with the connection between autism and vaccines discredited, it shows Jenny's actions to have been very poorly informed, like using chelation therapy-a medical process used to remove heavy metals from the body-on her son, a concept dreamed up by people who believe that mercury(from vaccines by their explanation) is responsible for autism (despite autistic people having no elevated levels of mercury, and nobody with mercury poisoning developing autism, again my claims are based on actual scientific studies, which should really be looked into before blindly making claims on another's behalf), chelation by the way, although to the best of my knowledge untested in autistics(why would it be, doctors aren't usually that uninformed when they start using other people for experiments) has been show in most people to, when the chemicals don't have metals to bond to, risk brain-damage, a fate which most here would despise even if it got rid of autism, however as all scientific evidence says that no amount of chelation will make anyone on the spectrum normal, it is only desperation, and misinformation, much of which is specifically available because of McCarthy, which convinces parents to risk their children in such a dangerous and unrewarding way, and while I have not dispute with her efforts on diets, but I cannot claim her as a hero, even if it was not in part because of her attacks on thimerosal, which was removed from most vaccines as a precaution, not because of any known connection between it and any existing condition, but rather because mercury is, in most forms, dangerous, and people did not want to risk causing any theoretical conditions, none of which have been proven to exist, and are, in many people's opinions, an unfounded fear, as it is the compound, not the individual element, which can be toxic

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Sep 2009, 9:07 pm

Biene wrote:
Not only have you helped many parents and children by giving them advice on diet etc. to alleviate some of the symptoms of their autism, you fought relentlessly to make vaccinations safer.

I personally know of a boy diagnosed with AS who is on a gluten free diet and therefore has not to take any meds at all for his fits.

Jenny, it is because of people like you that they took out the thimerosal in childhood vaccines.
To stand up like you did and fight for a cause you believe in for the better of all of us takes great courage and intelligence.

There are those people who feel they have to bash you and call you names for what ever reason I can not phantom.
I just think these people should ask to have the "thimerosal" put back into "their" shot, when they line up with their children or for themselves for their next vaccination.

It is easy to bash people when one has nothing else to do besides spending endless hoers a day on the computer.
The real heroes are out there fighting to improve other peoples lives.
Thank God for people like you Jenny Mc Carthy!
You are a great mom!

yes, thank you Jenny mcCarthy for working to eliminate a harmless form of mercury which has a half life of 3 DAYS out of vaccines. Nevermind that the original study linking thermisol to autism was flawed and has never been replicated.
Never mind that the rates of autism continue to CLIMB after the thermiserol was taken out of shots. funny, if it caused autism you'd expect rates to go DOWN.
Never mind that gluten intolerance does not cause autism. If only it were that easy to 'cure'!
Never mind that diseases are back and KILLING people now thanks to lovely idiots like Jenny.

And finally, JENNY's son was likely misdiagnosed. many people with syndromes like the one her son meets classic criteria for LANDAU KLEFFNER SYNDROME. Early normal development, check. Onset of seizure activity, sometimes severe, check. Loss of previously acquired speech and some autistic characteristics, check. Often misdiagnosed as "regressive autism," check. SPONTANEOUS RECOVERY OF SPEECH IN THE MAJORITY OF CASES. CHECK.

Spontaneous recovery mean that they will recover speech as the seizure activity diminishes due to the natural arc of the illness. Seizures, regression, cessation of seizures without need for further intervention, spontaneous recovery of language.

If indeed McCarthy's son was misdiagnosed, then she is giving false hope to families affected by a LIFE-LONG condition. Can people with Autism "recover" or master skills to the point of barely being on the Spectrum at all? Very functional and happy people? Absolutely. But no "spontaneous" recovery. It's false hope because no interventions caused that miraculous turn-around of Jenny's son. It was the natural progression of Landau Kleffner syndrome, in which spontaneous recovery WITHOUT INTERVENTION is common with the disorder.


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10 Sep 2009, 4:56 pm

EC wrote:
Ok, if the OP can do it, so can I:

I wanna thank Ken Ham and the Discovery Institute for their scientific, peer-reviewed refutations of evolutionary theory. I didn't come from no stinkin' monkey, and the sooner we indoctrinate our kids against science, the quicker the moral fiber of our God-loving country will heal! People who believe in evolution are just evil Atheists who hate gawd! If evolution is true, why are there still monkeys? A country that believes in evolution ain't American! On a side note, I wanna thank Kent Hovind for his excellent job refuting galactic evolution, whatever that is, but I'm sure it's something evil, and possibly Atheist. He was so right that he's in prison now for tax evasion.

Ok, I think I've had enough right-wing for today. God, my brain hurts now... wait, I think I just... bah, nevermind. Seriously though, Jenna McCarthy is a bad person.


I'm never gonna dance again, Aspie feet have got no rhythm.


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10 Sep 2009, 9:39 pm

Has any autism expert or specialist ever come forward and stated independently and on the record that Jenny McCarthy's son Evan was officially diagnosed with autism? If so, has that expert or specialist then reviewed the boy's development and declared that he is officially cured? If so, have other experts verified this claim?


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19 Sep 2009, 8:07 pm

Biene wrote:
Not only have you helped many parents and children by giving them advice on diet etc. to alleviate some of the symptoms of their autism, you fought relentlessly to make vaccinations safer.

I personally know of a boy diagnosed with AS who is on a gluten free diet and therefore has not to take any meds at all for his fits.

Jenny, it is because of people like you that they took out the thimerosal in childhood vaccines.
To stand up like you did and fight for a cause you believe in for the better of all of us takes great courage and intelligence.

There are those people who feel they have to bash you and call you names for what ever reason I can not phantom.
I just think these people should ask to have the "thimerosal" put back into "their" shot, when they line up with their children or for themselves for their next vaccination.

It is easy to bash people when one has nothing else to do besides spending endless hoers a day on the computer.
The real heroes are out there fighting to improve other peoples lives.
Thank God for people like you Jenny Mc Carthy!
You are a great mom!

I commend you. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting your son or daughter be able to perform as well as they might be able to given a few modifications to diet and regimen. We all want to give children the best.

I would any children I had to not have to have the difficulties I had and still have to some degree. These "no cure" types seem to have a chip on their shoulder. No, I would not want my personality altered, but I WOULD like to be able to socialize better and learn to perform conversations and greetings with more enthusiasm. Instead I come across like Mr. Spock, but I digress.

Seriously, what is wrong with wanting to treat autism?
If I have a head ache, I seek out a pain reliever.
If my limb is broken, we reset and cast it.
If my neurology is off, what is so wrong with wanting to adjust it to the best of my ability?

BTW - I have never been officially diagnosed, but I am sure that I am an Aspie or HFA. My verbal skills are fine and I have good word command and IQ; I just don't seem to be very warm with my personality. I take supplements in an attempt to remove the personality fog and experience life with everyone else. Work, school and other experiences where I had to "perform" have helped as well, but not as much as the supplements. My mental abilities have increased and I can talk much better in most situations, but I am still a little low in personality or gaiety so to speak.

Supplements and modifications:
Coromega, Carnosine (every other day now... been taking for over a year), balanced diet with more protein, water, milk, and as much fruits and veggies as I can get in. I like bakery breads, but I try to stay away from overly processed sweet breads and supermarket breads. If I can't pronounce and can't define the ingredient, I avoid it.

As for gluten reduction: It may work, but more because of avoiding poor over processed ingredients and less because of the wheat or oats. It is a gut issue and better, fresher, more natural whole foods always work better than shelf food. A true test of the gluten sensitivity should include all natural whole foods gluten free VS processed foods. However, we end up skipping the processed stuff because gluten avoiders don't trust most pre-made foods, therefore they end up making things themselves OR they buy whole food or organic, simple ingredient foods.

I feel better anytime I leave the mainland USA where food is less preserved and processed. This last trip however had me feeling strong physically because of the foods, but because I didn't have Coromega and Carnosine, I felt my verbal skills lapse.

Anyway. I may be back in here some more as I have some issues to air out and I would like to contribute again in some manner.