Multiplayer gaming and autism/aspergers

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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09 Sep 2009, 10:44 pm

Does any body here like to go on xbox live and play multiplayer games, cause i don't. I preferr single player games cause there more involving and its easier to concentrate "social gaming", as I would call it. I just dont like to play a game and hear a bunch of NT's on my head set yelling and shouting, even if i dont use it. Still I wana know what the rest of you think about multiplayer gaming, online multiyplayer and all that other sh*t.

Pileated woodpecker
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09 Sep 2009, 11:00 pm

I do enjoy some multiplayer gaming. Just finished a few rounds of Team Fortress 2, actually.

But I adhere, quite strictly, to the "don't be a ****" rule of social gaming. No matter how poorly my team is doing, I never rant or yell at them, only offering constructive advice. I keep it simple and voice it in a neutral tone.

Example of NT RAGE GAMER:


Example of Skittles:

"Let's put a sentry gun in the flag room in case they rush in with Scouts."

Sometimes I do not want to deal with others in a social game, though, and that's when I go play some Zelda, or a single player FPS, or another RPG.

People who hurt others in online games really need to remember that there's a man behind the avatar. It's so easy to forget that someone real is playing with you, and will hear your words. The distance of the internet does not excuse responsibility. Verbal abuse hurts.

Sometimes I speak in walls of text. I will never be offended if you tear it down.

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09 Sep 2009, 11:28 pm

Thanks for the question. My $0.02:

I dislike forced multiplayer gaming. I prefer AI, not because of hard/easy issues (some AI are harder than humans) but because I hate causing bad feelings in other people. When I do it, I do it for a purpose, using it like a scalpel to cut out a bad behavior. I don't need to make others feel bad so that I feel good and I don't like making them feel bad for no reason.

My problem arises in that I am obsessive about getting 100% on my games. I'll shoot 200 pigeons (GTA IV), get SS rank on all Hard level missions (Armored Core), or spend 127 hours farming drops for my ultra-rare armor set (Too Human). But I really dislike having to kill X number of actual real people. Besides making them feel bad, I also feel it carries with it some level of desensitization to violence as I am "killing" "real" people.

As you can probably alread guess, co-op multiplayer gaming is rather enjoyable to me, though. I like running around with a virtual "real" buddy and beating the bad guys or solving the puzzles. Too Human was fun for this. I enjoyed that and would still play it with someone even though I have 100% now. Hey, you need an armor suit? I'll save you 127 hours of farming ;)

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09 Sep 2009, 11:32 pm

I've been quite addicted to xbox live for more than a year (Nba 2k and Top Spin), hours and hours of endless fun, then at some point I thought "but there are tons of great games, playing the same 2 over and over is not my best option" and gradually stopped playing online. Now I only play offline.


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10 Sep 2009, 1:41 am

Ive played just about everything (PC wise) for about all genres. MMOs (be they RPG, FPS, etc), I tend toward solo play (at first), then i progressed to PvP (the @$$holes ViperaAspis mentioned were quite prevalent, but fairly easy to ignore once you get into the rhythm of things). In the end, Id say that even though we can over-focus on games, we are still quite grounded in reality. Some NTs (and perhaps nons as well) let themselves get engulfed in the scenario so much, that temper's flare.


my reply, "I didnt see you defending either, so what are you complaining about? Im here to play, winning is a bonus."


"Says the guy trying to obtain something that has no corporeal value in the real world."

He shut up real fast after that. :twisted:

Essentially, they get so caught up in the moment that they seem to lose all sense and get caught up in something that doesnt have any bearing in reality.

Now that was just a PvP example (Player vs Player). On the flip side is the PvE (Player vs Everything) which implies quests, and dungeons where you have to work with other people (often a random group) to clear the zone(s). These can actually be quite fun, especially if you are part of a guild, and the people in are are respectable and know what theyre doing. However, if you do the random thing (called pugging, for reasons im still trying to figure out), there is a markedly higher chance of getting a "Rage Gamer" as SkittlesMcBingBing puts it. These are the people who have devoted so much of their life to the game, that they cannot accept doing things any way other than their own, then flare at even the slightest display in difficulty. These guys are only in it for the gear (often ninja-ing drops from players who REALLY need it to move on). Bear in mind that these types of gamers are frowned on, and often reported by the players who, like us, want to enjoy the game. Believe it or not, the PvE ninjas arent as common as you think . . . but being in a guild reduces the chances of coming across one >.> As for the FPS crowd, theyre a complete loss seeing as how they act no better than sports fans (and i mean the over-zealous, "OUR TEAM KICKS YOUR TEAMS @$$" types). With those games, just turn off the teamspeak (unless you know the people well enough to hold an intelligible conversation with them) and do your thing . . . you know what to do, and dont need some hormone endowed teen know it all to tell say you suck when apparently he has yet to even learn self control. The good players will tell you what's up and potentially going to happen, the bad players tend to fling insults in hopes of compensating their lack of self esteem (and skill for that matter :lol: ).

So, buck up, take a deep breath, carry some extra ammo, a lot of wit, and some humble pie to serve the people that attempt to ruin your day . . . :D


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10 Sep 2009, 8:56 am

I do not like first person shooter style of on-line games, where if you live or die depends on your ping. In way of MMOs I do enjoy mostly solo play in game like WoW and EQ2... where I can interact with a few select friends. I perfer the Player vs. Environment (PVE), role-play (RP) servers. The only Player vs. Player (PvP) I do is an occasional WoW Battleground.

I still enjoy breaking out Unreal Tournament, but I don't play with other people.


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10 Sep 2009, 10:30 am

I hate getting yelled at by my brit friend on istaria for not covering him. He gets really angry at me. Getting yelled at by someone who is in his/her twenties or early teen years via MMO is kind of annoying and stressful. They do take it too seriously and thats the issue.


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10 Sep 2009, 11:29 am

I really only play online on my PC, because most people will choose to type rather than use a mic. That way on games like L4D, CoD, and TF2, you can ignore all the text showing up on the side of the screen. If I'm ever playing online on our PS3, I just choose free-for-all modes and keep VoIP volume muted.


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10 Sep 2009, 11:38 am

I love playing multiplayer, as long as we can all agree on which game to play. Sometimes we'll just have a marathon and see how many games we can go through that we hadn't played in forever.

Not a huge fan of online gaming, though. Not a big fan of playing a game with complete strangers, and half the time, some guy decides to cheat and ruin it for everyone.

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...

Pileated woodpecker
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11 Sep 2009, 11:26 pm

What I like about playing a MMORPG is that people can't tell I have Asperger's on it. I learn some (not alot since there's no IRL practicing) social skills. Plus you have people to talk to so you won't feel lonely. However there are a lot of as*holes online in any game. I don't even talk to as*holes. I just ignore (most games will have a function for you the block the as*holes). Yeah, you also learn teamwork and cooperation in some harder RPGs.


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17 Sep 2009, 3:16 pm

There aren't any nt rage gamers in istaria. We're all nerds etc. there so I fit in quite well. Another option is Dungeons and Dragons online. Its an action rpg dungeon crawler and its free. Best of all, when you are in a dungeon, only your party members can be seen or heard! Its pretty fun but out in the open, there are tons of nt rage gamers. We could make an aspie raiding guild in that game though, it'd be perfect!


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17 Sep 2009, 3:24 pm

I don't like games where people expect you to do one job whilst THEY get the objective. To me, it's everyone for themselves. Don't rely on anyone else to protect you. If you see someone in trouble, try to help them regardless.


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17 Sep 2009, 3:41 pm

I never play games in multi-player either... only single-player. For one, I don't want to have to worry about other people judging the way I play. I think Asperger's and social anxiety may have something to do with it as well... I don't even like too much "social interaction" with NPC's, like in most RPG's.


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17 Sep 2009, 6:31 pm

I too, only play single player games. I don't like interacting with people I don't know in video games anymore than I like interacting with them in real life. I only like playing games with friends and since the only friend I have doesn't play video games, it's kind of moot.


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17 Sep 2009, 7:24 pm

What about people on WP. Would you play mmos with them and ignore the general mmo population?


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17 Sep 2009, 7:39 pm

ShenLong wrote:
What about people on WP. Would you play mmos with them and ignore the general mmo population?

Me? No. I wouldn't. Not only would it be hard to ignore everyone else playing, but I'm not friends with anyone on this site. That's not to say I don't like anyone, but my definition of friend means someone I hang out with on a regular basis. Someone I know a lot about, etc. Besides, I like to play games at my own pace and pay attention to the story. MMOs typically don't have stories that draw me in so I have no interest in playing them.