Hello all,
I snooped on the forums here for a while, until i decided to join here.
I have Asperger's syndrome , and an IQ of around 130.
My hobbies are Athletics, Gaming, and pretty much everything that has to do with music - more specific Trance music, but I like most things (except for heavy metal and that sort of stuff). I like listening to it, downloading the best version(I know it is a bit strange but I like to have my collection of tracks as good as possible ), and I am in the learning process of mixing and producing.
Well I hope to learn some interesting things from fellow people in the autistic spectrum and perhaps chitchat a bit (fields of interest : technology, music, games, weapons, and much more )
See you around WP
Last edited by john93 on 16 Sep 2009, 1:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.