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02 Feb 2006, 3:10 am

Once again, I am seriously considering joining the military. It's going to be a longshot given my physical problems and number of meds, but I think it's something that might be worth a try. Especially considering that basic training would cover alot of the life skills I need to work on. I know there have been a number of members here who have been in the military or know someone with AS in the military, and I was wondering how it worked out?


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02 Feb 2006, 4:31 am

My niece has her husband in the Army he is having foot and leg problems and this is after Basic Training He has be in the Army 2 years now.

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Tufted Titmouse
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02 Feb 2006, 7:29 am

i suppose a lot of the life skills would become 'ingrained' rather than concious effort. i would advise going for a technical trade, it seems to be a bit more accepting of people who can focus on their work rather than ability to interract with others. i am still in sevice and have been for the past 16yrs. rubbish at small talk,don't like football, obsessive,once on a problem i won't let go until it's son is the one with AS, but i can see a lot of common 'features' with me! what do you like to do? go for a branch/trade that can utilise your strengths (air force?) yes, a lot of basic training will be about making 'alliances' with others. you will be put under physical and mental duress, could you work with others as a team? sometimes danger can bring out the best/worst in us all! there is a lot of emphasis on not letting others down, how do you feel about that? in my trade i could be out in the freezing cold, fuel running down my arm and into my armpit, and still have to stay there until the job is finished(it happened!) would you give in or have the determination to finish the job?

Snowy Owl
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02 Feb 2006, 7:34 am

Bish- the part about the fuel running down your arm sounds like the average day of working on my old truck, if you don't wash that fuel off quick enough it causes a bad rash.

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02 Feb 2006, 7:37 am

To answer the original post, i talked to an air force recruiter once and my back problems would be an issue for them.

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Feb 2006, 10:03 am

DrGonzo-yep, fuel is fuel, truck or aircraft-fair point! i reckon sean should at least try. not sure if it would be better to not mention AS to the recruiter!? it would be a shame for ignorance to prevent him even having a chance, when he probably has so much to offer!


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02 Feb 2006, 11:27 am

Sean, Good luck! In Navy bootcamp, I found marching to be a little difficult, due to my Asperger's gait. It annoyed some of my fellow recuits that I appeared to bob-up and down while in formation.

While the regimented structure might be good, basic training purposely throws some curve balls at you and you have to keep up to stay in the game. There were times I wondered if I would make it, but I did. The ensueing enlistment was a little easier, but still had me crosswise with some of what was required.

I excelled at my job as a cook on a ship, but had little desire to advance in rank nor make it a career. I was a watch-captain in the wardroom galley and as such, it was like running my own restaurant and did okay in the various schools and training programs.

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02 Feb 2006, 11:42 am

My job is sort of paramilitarily organized and I just love it - I love the structure that when my supervisor says 'do this!' I do it and that is it - I've always worked in social work type jobs where people have an idea of justice and fairness in the workplace which just sort of slowed everything down - so I like this . . . I'd keep saying I wish I'd known this when I was younger so I could have joined the military . . .


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02 Feb 2006, 1:30 pm


The CP might keep you out. My brother has slight CP, so slight that no one knows, and he is a weight-lifter. BUT, the diagnosis itself kept him out of the armed forces.


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02 Feb 2006, 2:57 pm

they wont let you in the military until you are off your meds for at least a year.
i've been trying to get into the Marines since i was 17 and the last recruiter was an as*hole. he said i should come back when i'm off my crazy pills. i nearly punch the guy!
i have put in a letter to the Commandant of the Marines asking for his help in getting me into the Marines.
i can pass all but the pull-sp part of the training, plus i am a third generation Marine and so i can think very tactically when the need comes.


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02 Feb 2006, 3:53 pm


It's hard to say what your experience will be like, because like all things, it depends on who is running the show. If you have good unit commanders, you will have a good experience. I did 4 years in the Marines in 29 Palms. My company commander was an oxygen thief who did almost nothing to run the unit and chaos reigned. The bullies took over and life was hell. I got out with an honorable dicharge, but I left my own discharge in front of our company compound right before I left. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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02 Feb 2006, 6:05 pm

I thought of joining the Armed Forces years ago I could not because of My Cerebral Palsy. It was My diagnosis that kept Me out sorry to say too.

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03 Feb 2006, 10:55 pm

i tried out for the army awhile ago and wanted join but when i took the test asvab test i didnt pass and couldnt join. f**k them thats all f*****s since when does passing a test require if you get in the military or not?


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04 Feb 2006, 8:54 am

I joined the Navy decades ago as a hospital corpsman, and lasted 16 months before getting discharged for my aspie behavior. It was the worst 16 months of my life. If privacy means anything to you, the military is not the place to be.

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04 Feb 2006, 9:07 am

I grew up in a military family. IF you are in the military and active duty you move around allot. I greatly disliked that.

I was told though by a military doctor I could not join. This was becuase of developmental diagnosis's I think.

There is constant change, new situations, people and a whole culture to it. If you go into battle and are injured for life your life is ruined.

That including the mind..

My father is a disabled veteran from the veitnam war and a grandfather a veteran of some war as well. The military I do not think is ideal employment, unless you know your not going into action becuase such things are a chance between life and death. Yet people do so knowing it, still why they do so is not really known. I'm of the attitide that I would only be accepted in the military if there was a homeland invasion.

Reminds me of War of The Worlds movie that came out and the young man wanting to join to fight the alien invaders. In a way that is homeland instead of international conflicts. It is interesting becuase the fear of the unknown, the aliens manifested in the creativity of aliens being bad guys. Well its just interesting, fear of the unknown. Sci-Fi, not reality dispite al infinite possibilities and if's.


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04 Feb 2006, 5:25 pm

Well your medical problems or whether your gay or not. It doesn't bother me either way. If anyone is stupid enough to join up with the armed forces they should be allowed to. Go for it Sean you have my approval. I don't quite understand why the army is being so reluctant taking you guys on i thought they were looking out for cannon fodder to send to iraq or the armies stationed in various countries the Us has an obligation to defend (south Korea, Tiawan) . But i wish you luck in actually wanting to be recruited in the army, rather you then me sucker.