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07 Oct 2009, 4:54 am

Share with the rest of us where you were when you heard for the first time about the deaths of princess Diana, Jackson, the previous pope and the Twin Towers destruction. And as for me, I found out about those events in such a way:

1. Diana - From the news; I was watching TV and all of a sudden I heard: ”Princess Diana is dead. She has died in a car accident.”

2. Jackson - I woke up and turned the computer on, entering the net, like every day. MSN front page news run as follows: “Michael Jackson. He was singing and dancing before death.” But before WHOSE death, I thought, still hoping (well, being almost sure, some people seem to be like immortal, it’s hard to imagine they could ever die) he was doing it at the presence of another famous person who later died; I entered our most known portal, Onet and the news from there finally made me have no illusions about the singer’s wellbeing.

3. WTC - I had just come from school (I was angry as that morning I went to school two hours earlier than I should, having mistaken the hours) and started to watch “Tenderness and Lies” on TV (some silly Polish TV show, no idea after all those years, what it was about but certainly I am not missing anything important not remembering this, lol) and there was that black stripe with the information on WTC moving at the bottom of the screen so I quickly switched over to an information channel and that’s how I found out.

4. JPII - I was just writing in my diary in my room and when I turned the TV set on, on the screen I saw a card with the pope’s image and the dates of his birth and death.


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07 Oct 2009, 5:02 am

I remember being in a 7th-grade math class when President Kennedy was shot, and I remember being on the road in a lumber-delivery truck when the Challenger exploded. I remember the things you have mentioned, but I do not recall where I was when I heard about them.

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.


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07 Oct 2009, 5:13 am

Irulan wrote:
Share with the rest of us where you were when you heard for the first time about the deaths of princess Diana, Jackson, the previous pope and the Twin Towers destruction. And as for me, I found out about those events in such a way:

1. Diana - From the news; I was watching TV and all of a sudden I heard: ”Princess Diana is dead. She has died in a car accident.”

2. Jackson - I woke up and turned the computer on, entering the net, like every day. MSN front page news run as follows: “Michael Jackson. He was singing and dancing before death.” But before WHOSE death, I thought, still hoping (well, being almost sure, some people seem to be like immortal, it’s hard to imagine they could ever die) he was doing it at the presence of another famous person who later died; I entered our most known portal, Onet and the news from there finally made me have no illusions about the singer’s wellbeing.

3. WTC - I had just come from school (I was angry as that morning I went to school two hours earlier than I should, having mistaken the hours) and started to watch “Tenderness and Lies” on TV (some silly Polish TV show, no idea after all those years, what it was about but certainly I am not missing anything important not remembering this, lol) and there was that black stripe with the information on WTC moving at the bottom of the screen so I quickly switched over to an information channel and that’s how I found out.

4. JPII - I was just writing in my diary in my room and when I turned the TV set on, on the screen I saw a card with the pope’s image and the dates of his birth and death.

1. I was attending a get-together with my family and listening to the radio when I heard the news of Princess Di's death.

2. I was eating lunch at a restaurant here in San Marcos, when I heard about MJ's death. There were TVs in the restaurant.

3. I was at home, getting ready to go to a doctor's appointment when I saw the footage on TV.

4. I was at a picnic with my family when I heard of John Paul II's death. I remember that a cold front had just come through, and it was very sunny and cool, but very windy that day.

Also, some more facts:

I was born on Day #36 of the Iran Hostage Crisis (December 10, 1979). That was also when the Houston Oilers lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers in the AFC Playoffs (as a native of Houston, I can tell you that people there are still emotional when the Texans--their new team, the Oilers are now the Tennessee Titans--play the Steelers).

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07 Oct 2009, 7:03 am

It was late at night in Australia when my son told me to watch CNN on cable tv about 9/11.
We stayed up all night.

As for the rest of them, who cares? I didn't give a hoot about them anyway, especially Michael Jackson.

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07 Oct 2009, 10:47 am

Diana-- mum told me. When she did I didnt know who she was. XD

Jackson-- on the rare occastion that I had to be on the TV to help m younger sister find a show.

9/11 -- I remember my mom looking kinda sad and kinda mixed up. I knew something wasnt right and I asked her. She told me about the towers falling over. (i think i was 5 or 6 at the time) I remmeber seeing footage and thinking it was terrible, but at the time I thought it was an accident. turns out the conflicting emotions were that on that day she found out she was pregnant with my sister.

JPII-- he died? i dont recall that one. :)

of course I could be crazy. Unless I am crazy enough to think I am sane thinking I am crazy. That might be a problem.


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07 Oct 2009, 11:31 am

1) I can't remember how I found out or where I was. I did grieve for her. :(

2) Don't care.

3) In bed sleeping. We are 3 hours behind NYC so it was about 11 AM in NY when the alarm clock woke me up. I keep it on a local news station so that's how I found out. Everything has already happened.

4) REALLY don't fricken care.


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07 Oct 2009, 2:18 pm

1.} Princess Diana: Watching TV. Don't remember much except when "Breaking News" popped up

2.} Michael Jackson: Coming home from a trip to the grocery store.
My sister told me in a sarcastic fashion. At first, I thought it was a joke,
but later thought otherwise with assistance from the news.

3.} 9/11: Eating breakfast and getting ready for school.
Watched the second plane hit the World Trade Center on TV.

4.} Pope John Paul II: Don't remember much except when
Pope Benedict XVI was elected.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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07 Oct 2009, 2:23 pm

Where were you when..

1.} ...the assassination attempt on President Reagan happened?

2.} President Clinton admitted to the world he had a extramartial relationship?

3.} Operation Desert Storm began?

4.} BUSH I infamously said, "Read my new taxes!"

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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08 Oct 2009, 4:18 pm

Princess Diana: No idea. I guess people were talking about it at school.

9/11: In my PC repair class in high school. Some guy came in and told us to turn on the TV. We spent the rest of the day and a good portion of the next day watching TV and doing no work at all.

Pope: I was at my grandma's house, I think...or maybe he was still on his death bed, I can't remember. Anyway, I was grieving over Mitch Hedberg =/

Michael Jackson: On my computer...I opened up MSN for whatever reason (can't even remember now) and they had this really rough draft headline that only said "Michael Jackson is Dead". I had to stop and think for a minute if it was April Fools day or not. I was the first person in the chat room to notice.

Owen Hart: I was watching the PPV, though I didn't pay for it, so it was all scrambled. Still, I was pretty shook up about it, and kids were making jokes about it the next day at school. That just pissed me off.

Dimebag: I was in the hospital. My brother called and said my uncle said that Dime and Vinnie had been shot and killed, and I didn't believe him at all. Of course, he ended up being half correct =/

On a seperate note, I vaguely remember watching something about OJ's trial on TV in elementary school...which doesn't make sense, I don't remember us having cable TV at that point...

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...

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08 Oct 2009, 8:54 pm

Irulan wrote:
Share with the rest of us where you were when you heard for the first time about the deaths of princess Diana, Jackson, the previous pope and the Twin Towers destruction. And as for me, I found out about those events in such a way:

1. Diana - From the news; I was watching TV and all of a sudden I heard: ”Princess Diana is dead. She has died in a car accident.”

2. Jackson - I woke up and turned the computer on, entering the net, like every day. MSN front page news run as follows: “Michael Jackson. He was singing and dancing before death.” But before WHOSE death, I thought, still hoping (well, being almost sure, some people seem to be like immortal, it’s hard to imagine they could ever die) he was doing it at the presence of another famous person who later died; I entered our most known portal, Onet and the news from there finally made me have no illusions about the singer’s wellbeing.

3. WTC - I had just come from school (I was angry as that morning I went to school two hours earlier than I should, having mistaken the hours) and started to watch “Tenderness and Lies” on TV (some silly Polish TV show, no idea after all those years, what it was about but certainly I am not missing anything important not remembering this, lol) and there was that black stripe with the information on WTC moving at the bottom of the screen so I quickly switched over to an information channel and that’s how I found out.

4. JPII - I was just writing in my diary in my room and when I turned the TV set on, on the screen I saw a card with the pope’s image and the dates of his birth and death.

When Princess Diana died, I was just passed kindargarden. I was not really aware of things back then. I do remember, my family and I were driving at night, and there was a large, lit up plant in the middle of the country. I asked my dad, "Is that Diana's castle?" And he said, "She's dead, sweetie."

I found out about MJ's death hours after it happened. I was at work helping a lady with makeup, and from behind the cash register, I hear a lady say, "Did you hear? MJ is dead." Four or five of us in the store dropped what we were doing and yelled, "Whaaat?!" I still can't believe he's dead. He was short of being immortal!

I was in tenth grade second period Japanese class when 9/11 happened. Channel 1 news was on in the background, and I was hanging out with my close friend (who is also Aspergers). We glanced up at the screen, and saw camera footage of a plane fly into a building. I just assumed that it was a crappy movie trailor, but they showed the footage over and over. That day, a lot of parents took their kids home from school in fear of more attacks. I stayed at school, because I wanted to see what happened (and didn't want to hide). I watched the news all day in various classes. I was really sad.

I don't remember too much when John Paul II died... I can't even remember the year. I'm an atheist, but even this event made me very sad (he was a cool old guy!).


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08 Oct 2009, 9:33 pm

Princess Di- probably at breakfast, when I picked up the paper.

Micahel Jackson - ironically, I found that out by coming here...;)

WTC - I was at work. They let us out half a day early.

JP II - the paper again.

I remember finding about Kennedy by noticing I couldn't find cartoons on any (all 3) channel

Kurt Cobain - I remember finding out when our band was in rehearsal...

anahl nathrak, uth vas bethude, doth yel dyenvey...


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08 Oct 2009, 11:47 pm

Diana died on the same day as my hamster, so I didn't care at all. The death of my little fluffy one meant much more to me.

I was in my 10th grade algebra 2 class during the WTC attacks. It was really panicky because I'm from Northern Virginia and many students had parents working in the government, many diplomats, and many who worked at the Pentagon. And then the CIA which was literally down the street was evacuated, and my school wasn't.... oi. My dad used to work at the Pentagon and his old office was in the section of the building that got hit, scary!

I don't know where I was for the others.


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09 Oct 2009, 12:00 am

Irulan wrote:
Share with the rest of us where you were when you heard for the first time about the deaths of princess Diana
Don't remember. I was high-school age. So I was stoned all the time :roll:

Irulan wrote:
Also don't remember. I don't really care anyway. Michael Jackson is just another unfortunate glamorized byproduct of Western society.

Irulan wrote:
the previous pope
Again, I have no idea. Even though I was raised Catholic, I had long since stopped paying attention to the whole Christian universe by the time this guy kicked off.

Irulan wrote:
the Twin Towers destruction
I do remember this one. I was asleep. Oversleeping actually. I should have been at a college class, but I slept in that day. I awoke to one of my roommates exclaiming about "it's the end of the world!! !! !" After realizing what was happening, I spent the rest of the day videotaping the television coverage of the event, smoking pot, and being completely out of my mind, thinking the terrorists were going to crash planes into our apartment. good times :D



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09 Oct 2009, 12:07 am

Diana: Didn't hear about it until now (I don't know who she is).

MJ: Right here on Wrong Planet.

9/11: I woke up that morning and saw my mother crying while watching it on T.V.

Pope: Again, didn't hear it until now.


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27 May 2010, 3:45 pm


And as for those who are my compatriots - where were you having heard about Smoleńsk for the first time? In my case it looked like that my cousin phoned my mother and told her that something wrong happened to the president but my mom didn't tell me what exactly; she just told me he had a plane accident. So I entered the net and on the MSN front page there was this information on his death. It was maybe about 11.50 AM. I wish I found this out without my cousin's prior notice because then it would be much more unexpected for me and I like unexpected things.


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27 May 2010, 3:56 pm

Irulan wrote:
Share with the rest of us where you were when you heard for the first time about the deaths of princess Diana, Jackson, the previous pope and the Twin Towers destruction. And as for me, I found out about those events in such a way:

1. Diana - From the news; I was watching TV and all of a sudden I heard: ”Princess Diana is dead. She has died in a car accident.”

2. Jackson - I woke up and turned the computer on, entering the net, like every day. MSN front page news run as follows: “Michael Jackson. He was singing and dancing before death.” But before WHOSE death, I thought, still hoping (well, being almost sure, some people seem to be like immortal, it’s hard to imagine they could ever die) he was doing it at the presence of another famous person who later died; I entered our most known portal, Onet and the news from there finally made me have no illusions about the singer’s wellbeing.

3. WTC - I had just come from school (I was angry as that morning I went to school two hours earlier than I should, having mistaken the hours) and started to watch “Tenderness and Lies” on TV (some silly Polish TV show, no idea after all those years, what it was about but certainly I am not missing anything important not remembering this, lol) and there was that black stripe with the information on WTC moving at the bottom of the screen so I quickly switched over to an information channel and that’s how I found out.

4. JPII - I was just writing in my diary in my room and when I turned the TV set on, on the screen I saw a card with the pope’s image and the dates of his birth and death.
1.i was too young to remember
2. i found out from news on local paper
3.i was on school at then it was 10:30am at local time when first tower falled..and soon other after it ..looking whole stuff live footage

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