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A sales assistant walks up to you in the store, what do you usually do?
Poll ended at 12 Nov 2009, 1:16 am
Leave immediately? 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Leave if she or he attempt to speak to you? 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
Leave if he or she tries to 'sell' you? 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Politely explain that you are just looking (NT speak for f*** **f) and then leave if they wont leave you alone? 95%  95%  [ 37 ]
Ignore them until you run out or have a melt down? 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Stores! Are you kidding, I buy everything online? 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
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13 Oct 2009, 1:16 am

What is your worst experience with a salesperson, high pressure or otherwise?

It would be especially interesting to hear from those (there are probably a few here) who do work in sales.


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13 Oct 2009, 1:27 am

I typically don't detect any pressure from salespeople... I just end it politely.


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13 Oct 2009, 4:31 am

yeah they're just doing their jobs and would get grief from their bosses if they didn't so I just politely say I'm just looking.


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13 Oct 2009, 4:37 am

Mostly option 4.

My worst experience took place when my mother and I visited NYC. My mother wanted to do some looking in a jewellery store. I left for a book store nearby and found a few books that interested me.
To those who don’t know: In Norway we have one price on things in stores, if a book has a prie tag saying 99 NOK it means 99 NOK, nothing will be added, in the US however they have taxes that may or may not be included on the price tag.
I had no idea if taxes were included and I knew I only had a little more money than the combined price of the books. So I asked the cashier: ”These prices, are they with or without taxes?”
The cashier just looked at me and I repeated the question. He sneered and claimed he didn’t understand what I said while he looked at me much the same way I might look at a fly on my food. I repeated the question again, slowly.
He admitted that it was without, and I asked if he could tell me the price with taxes. You’d have thought I asked him to climb Mt Everest or something equally strenuously. Deep sigh.
I was wet with sweat when I left the store. I also felt humiliated. It seemed he didn’t wanna understand.

When I got back to jewellery, the female owner of the store was busy offering my mother different jewellery. When my mother declined, she started lowering the price and when that didn’t work, she came with something new. She was really pushy, I’d say aggressive about the sale, and she wouldn’t listen when my mother said she just wanted to look, nor would she leave my mother alone to go looking. She kept saying that my mother hadn’t stayed so long if she didn’t want something. And that sickening ”Honey” starting every second sentence it seemed. She visibly got angry. My mother became really irritated and we left.
God, that woman just wouldn’t stop!

Another place in NYC my mother went in to buy some batteries. The clerks there showed her a camera and wouldn’t easily accept that batteries meant batteries. Not camera. This guy didn’t get so angry, he seemed insulted.

I have only come across something like that once in Norway, in an antiquity store. The woman there followed us closely through the store. She wasn’t being helpful at all, so I assume she thought we were there to shoplift. In another antiquity store I tried to look at a glass I liked. The woman there snatched it right out of my hands and put it back. Afraid I would drop it? She lost this customer.

At a couple of other places the cashiers would be way more preoccupied holding private conversation on the phone or with friends in the store than letting people pay. Do these places want people to shop lift? Very annoying.
At a couple of kiosks the cashiers behind the window have been annoyed when someone came up and ordered something. And in one videogame store the customers really disturbed the personell. Their entire attitude said ”Do you have to?” Those I know who have bought something there have had the same experience with that particular shop.

These are my worst experiences.


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13 Oct 2009, 5:06 am

I am especially amused when going to a shoe shop.

I have a routine which is:

1. Walk right around the store to get a sense of what's on offer

2. Take a second look at the shoe(s) that caught my eye (sorry that's a metaphor, I mean that I liked the most)

3. Pick up said shoes, rub the leather, bend the shoes (gently) to see how flexible they are and then my favorite part of the selection..........

4. Smell the shoes :!: :lol:

While this is going on (and it is clear that I am a visual, kinesthetic and olifactory processor when it comes to shoes) the shop 'assistant' will embark on a diatribe about 'the latest shoes', what is the current 'fashion' and if all else fails explain the 'discounts' available with the other shoes.

Of course I cant actually here what he/she is saying, cos I am enjoying a moment of intense focus with shoes that smell and feel and look so great, so he or she isnt bothering me.

I then come out of my trans state and proceed to the check out counter.


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13 Oct 2009, 6:20 am

^^ Yaye greetings everyone. I apologise greatly indeedy as I believe is often dependent within a particular situation. ^^ I do enjoy listening to the sales human when they approach me. If they perhaps wish to sell an item to me, I may think about this, and if I wish not to accept their offer, I shall state "No thank you", or accept their offer if I wish to do so. ^^ Similarly, if they ask if I wish for help, I may ask them a question regarding items or state "No thank you" or option 4. (Oh dear, I feel very evil as I did not intend to be rude when I state option 4 - is this rude may I ask?).

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13 Oct 2009, 6:44 am

Politely tell them I'm just looking.

If they ask me if they can help me find what I'm looking for.... I tell them I'm not sure but will know it when I see it. If they persist I will leave the shop.


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13 Oct 2009, 7:20 am

If it's just someone greeting me as I enter a store and asking if I need help then I'm polite and take the help if I need it or just say thanks I' just looking. If they're actually trying to sell me something then what I enjoy doing is letting them do their whole spiel and smile and nod even ask questions about added extras so they think they're getting a big sale and at the end I just say it doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in, they always look crestfallen lol it's terrible but it gives me a chuckle.

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13 Oct 2009, 7:51 am

Usually a simple "just browsing, thanks" does the trick for me. Though if I'm looking for a specific item I sometimes make use of them by asking them where it is, so ironically salespeople can be of benefit to society.

My worst experience of a salesboy was in a big computer store called Tempo. The guy came up and asked me what I was looking for, I told him I was just browsing (as usual)....shortly afterwards he returned and said (in a rather aggressive voice) "I'm sorry but you've got to tell me what you're looking for".........I walked out and complained by letter to the store manager, but he just replied that their staff "had to remain vigilant." Presumably the boy had thought I might be a shoplifter. But there's a happy ending to my story - the store folded a few months later :twisted:


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13 Oct 2009, 7:52 am

ToughDiamond wrote:
Usually a simple "just browsing, thanks" does the trick for me. Though if I'm looking for a specific item I sometimes make use of them by asking them where it is, so ironically salespeople can be of benefit to society.

My worst experience of a salesboy was in a big computer store called Tempo. The guy came up and asked me what I was looking for, I told him I was just browsing (as usual)....shortly afterwards he returned and said (in a rather aggressive voice) "I'm sorry but you've got to tell me what you're looking for".........I walked out and complained by letter to the store manager, but he just replied that their staff "had to remain vigilant." Presumably the boy had thought I might be a shoplifter. But there's a happy ending to my story - the store folded a few months later :twisted:



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13 Oct 2009, 8:02 am

ToughDiamond wrote:

My worst experience of a salesboy was in a big computer store called Tempo. The guy came up and asked me what I was looking for, I told him I was just browsing (as usual)....shortly afterwards he returned and said (in a rather aggressive voice) "I'm sorry but you've got to tell me what you're looking for".........

I think I would have borrowed straight from CSI Miami's (I watch NY and LV too as well as Wire in the Blood...........) Lt Horatio Caine and explained, while I looked him straight in the eyes (it's easier when I am about to take an axe to someone)

'I don't HAVE to do ANYTHING'...........and then waited quietly for SO19 to arrive.... :wink:


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13 Oct 2009, 10:12 am

I always have a look at their name tag and say, "I'm just looking right now, but if I have any questions, I will make sure I ask you (insert name)." I say this cheerfully and sincerely. If there is something that I would like to purchase, I will ask the same person who greeted me if they want to ring it in.

I do this because some stores still keep track of an employees total sales (whether the saleperson is commission or not). The salesperson who has the least sales might get gruff from their boss.

I actually have some experience at the other side of the sales counter - having worked in small retail shops myself. I worked at a high end sweater shop. The regional manager was at the store. I approached a couple who had entered the store and asked if they were looking for anything special or needed any help. The couple said "no, we're just looking." I said, "that's great, if you need anything or have any questions, my name is Rose, feel free to ask." I then did what I thought was the right thing and left them alone.

The regional manager whispered something to my manager. My manager came over to me and said, "the regional manager said that you should be helping those people." I told my manager that I had already approached them and they said they were just looking. My manager was satisfied with this. But not the regional manager. She insisted that I go up to them again and describe the merchandise, etc.

I did as I was told, the couple looked clearly annoyed at me. I actually whispered that I understood them the first time, but the boss was insisting that keep at them. I added that I like to shop in peace too and find it annoying to be pestered. They actually softened and giggled with me. They looked at a few more items and bought a postcard (we were in a touristy area).

Sooooo, the point of this story is - the salespeople are often required, as a part of their job, to be pushy. If they are really getting on your nerves, I would say something like this..

"I know that you are doing your job by approaching me and talking about the merchandise. This is simply not my shopping style, in fact, it makes me very uncomfortable. I need to shop in peace. I promise I will not shoplift or damage the merchandise. If I have a question, I will come find you and ask. If you keep approaching me, I will need to leave the store. Would you be willing to let me shop in peace." They will probably leave you alone, if they don't - leave the store.


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13 Oct 2009, 2:21 pm

Skilpadde wrote:
Mostly option 4.

My worst experience took place when my mother and I visited NYC. My mother wanted to do some looking in a jewellery store. I left for a book store nearby and found a few books that interested me.
To those who don’t know: In Norway we have one price on things in stores, if a book has a prie tag saying 99 NOK it means 99 NOK, nothing will be added, in the US however they have taxes that may or may not be included on the price tag.
I had no idea if taxes were included and I knew I only had a little more money than the combined price of the books. So I asked the cashier: ”These prices, are they with or without taxes?”
The cashier just looked at me and I repeated the question. He sneered and claimed he didn’t understand what I said while he looked at me much the same way I might look at a fly on my food. I repeated the question again, slowly.
He admitted that it was without, and I asked if he could tell me the price with taxes.
I was wet with sweat when I left the store. I also felt humiliated. It seemed he didn’t wanna understand.

You’d have thought I asked him to climb Mt Everest or something equally strenuously. Deep sigh.<not really tax rate in finland is usually around 8%alv how ever customers dont need to worry about that since 12€ means 12€ i thing that preddy much same all over usa go norway system :lol: even this werent case he was being lazy and ingorant its easy to count taxes in 2minutes

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13 Oct 2009, 3:29 pm

What I'd like to know is, where are these sale's people when you need them? There are times when I need their help and in certain stores, it's hard to find some one who is both available and knowledgeable.

Also, it depends on what I'm shopping for. If it's for clothing - get away from me. I don't need anybody hanging around when I'm browsing through the racks, or jumping me when I walk through the door. But if it's for house hold items, or technological stuff, I like to be helped and informed by the sales person.


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13 Oct 2009, 5:26 pm

Skilpadde wrote:
<snip NYC shittiness>

American Culture has sh***y aspects-e.g. the aggressive salespersons and their BS routines to get as much money as possible :lol:

though re. this

IThe cashier just looked at me and I repeated the question. He sneered and claimed he didn’t understand what I said while he looked at me much the same way I might look at a fly on my food. I repeated the question again, slowly.
He admitted that it was without, and I asked if he could tell me the price with taxes. You’d have thought I asked him to climb Mt Everest or something equally strenuously. Deep sigh.
I was wet with sweat when I left the store. I also felt humiliated. It seemed he didn’t wanna understand.

He thought you were being sarcastic or some garbage I am sure. And he can't do math with sales tax too well, even though it's ~8% (in Chicago at least; substitute with whatever sales tax is there).

[whatever price of the s**t] / [100] * [% that the tax is] = [sales tax]. add that tax to the [whatever price of the s**t] to get the whole cost. That's simple math. : /

Complicated to some other people. I know some people do that 80 + 1/20 or some other thing im too lazy to/forget to render rightly so im not gonna do it :O

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13 Oct 2009, 5:32 pm

Followthereaper90 wrote:
even this werent case he was being lazy and ingorant its easy to count taxes in 2minutes

more like 30 seconds. and I SUCK at higher-level maths :P

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!