Depression... good old depression. I'm sitting here with a pair of scissors that I've been scraping the skin on my arm with. I signed on here today to see if there were any people feeling the way I do right now, and this post was second on the list. I could call a 1-800 #, but they'd likely tell me all the things I've already read here online. Depression is treatable. See a Dr., eat right, get excersise ...blah blah blah. I'm no teenager. I'm 5 years away from 40.
I can't understand my chinese Dr., accents throw me way off. I have no interest in eating...and I'm diabetic. Excersise isnt going to bring my entire dead family back. And speaking to an NT over the telephone certainly isn't going to leave me feeling understood. Crying isn't going to get my child the help he needs, and apparently asking politely won't either. I will forever be alone, and if I'm not alone, than I'm simply more alone than I thought I was. Being in my own company is easier for me than being in the company of others, so group support goes out the window. Pills don't fill my emptiness, although they do minimize my repetitive thoughts. Medicine doesn't give me the skills to execute what needs to get accomplished. I f*cking hate this sh*t. Not the depression (although I'm not a fan of that either), I hate the things that have built up in me to make me feel this way... and no matter what meds I take, those things are always there. I still can't connect. I wasn't taught the appropriate skills in parenting, and when I try to practice them, it feels so fake that it's hard to keep up... sort of like requiring a cat to become a dog. I underachieve in everything I've ever set out to accomplish, because one thing or another about myself, spins me right off course before I can reach success. I'm unwell, and I'm tired. ....andI'm also to afraid of what dying would 'feel' like to make it happen. And since I'm the only person in my son's life who understands what he's going through, I cannot leave him high & dry. So instead, I sit here in my hell contemplating what a relief it will be when I no longer need to think of any of it any more.
I keep waiting for the change, or the "it'll get better" that everyone speaks of, but so far, it's only ever been very temporary and fleeting.
I don't want to leave this on such a negative sounding note, so I'll say one thing, don't let it go this far. Please find some way to make it better. I'm sorry that you're feeling as if everything is out of control and I wish I knew something to tell you that would make it all better, but I don't. Find one thing that makes you feel good, and do as much of it as you possibly can... while you're doing that, call a Dr. and ask about depression meds, or anxiety meds. Best of luck to you.