Hey everyone... wandering if i may have apserger's.

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Emu Egg
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21 Nov 2009, 8:23 pm

First of all, i know that you can't officially diagnose me. Secondly, i am going to see a doctor about this some time soon. Thirdly, i've scanned over a lot of aspergic symptoms... and although i can relate to some... others i can not relate to at all.... so i've come here to ask for your general guesses as to whether i am likely to have it or not.

These are the main reasons that lead me to doubt i have asperger's:

-Up until i was 18 no-one mentioned that i might have it (at least to my face).
-I'm not the most socially awkward out of my group of friends.
-Maths isn't my thing (aren't aspies supposed to be natural mathemeticians?).
-I can understand jokes, including sarcastic jokes and find them funny.
-When i'm drunk i am very social and confident.
-I'm good at keeping my cool.

These are the main reasons that lead me to believe i may have asperger's:

-I have often, throughout my life, been told to cheer up, that i look serious or that i have a blank expression.
-I'm very socially anxious unless i drink.
-My particular social anxieties are, talking on the phone, interviews and class rooms.
-When i get anxious my muscles tighten up and sometimes i can't turn my head smoothly because my neck is tense.
-I have a few OCD traits such as tapping the fridge handle and rolling my eyes up when i'm stressed.
-I smell everything for reasons i don't really know, usually, for example, if handed something the first thing i might do is smell it.
-I don't feel as much empathy as i think i probably should.
-I'm very rational.
-I think an awful lot.
-I'm a perfectionist.
-I often feel a bit different to people around me.
-I take a long time with choices to make sure they are the RIGHT choice.
-While not "obsessed" with certain things, as i've heard aspies are, i have had numerous "collections" as a kid... and i often have one specific topic that i seem to investigate online over either a day or a week. I also get obsessed with thinking/worrying about certain specific things.

Finally, these are a few snippets from my life that i've looked back on and realised sound kind of aspie:

-At about age 10 i was questioned by an adult as to if i had seen her sons bike being stolen. I replied in a very monotone and rude way, saying that "i had no idea what so ever". She found this very rude and was pissed off by it. I, however, after being told off by my mum honestly didn't realise that i was being rude or intend to be rude.

-I was once bullied my two "friends" at about 12-13 and i was getting very upset but i didn't know how to stop them bullying me so i was getting increasingly annoyed and it climaxed with me suddenly and unexpectadley (mid conversations) kicking one of them in the shin in a very awkward manner and then running off in embaressment. The bully was not hurt but rather confused.

-On numerous occasions while sober i've been in the optimum moment to make a move and kiss a girl (usually embracing and very aware that we liked each other) however i've often, despite WANTING to kiss them been unable too because i'm too nervous that they do not want to be kised DESPITE the fact that i was obviously in the position to. I remember one girl txing me afterwards saying "why didn't you kiss me?!?!"....

-When seeing a family member after a long time, despite being happy to see them, i used to be very unaware of what to say. I've learnt to say the common things now "how have you been!" etc but when younger there wee a lot of awkward silences.

Sorry for the LONGGG post... but i just have a lot to say and i'm grateful to whoever reads it.
I also appreciate any comments.


Emu Egg
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21 Nov 2009, 8:49 pm

Oh, and i'm 20.

Emu Egg
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21 Nov 2009, 8:54 pm

Have you checked out the Highly Sensitive Personality?

If you Google you will find a lot of information. Elaine Aron wrote a book back in 1999 that seems to be the quintecential book on the topic.

Good luck,



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21 Nov 2009, 9:01 pm

Hey intp and SarahL, ive seemed to have noticed that you both are fairly new here, Welcome to Wrongplanet :D!

The condition you have seems sounds like an aspergers but it also sounds like someone with high functioning autism... How old was you when you learnt your first words? because if you had spoken at such a late age, then chances are your most likely to have autism.
If you was speaking at a normal age a baby should be talking, you probably got aspergers as I was reading on the national autistic society website earlier during the day.

Thats when I came to the point that i've found out that i might just be autistic, my maths skills are pretty okay but slow.
My english is not at its very best but im very creative as you can see on my avatar :D

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21 Nov 2009, 9:07 pm

aren't aspies supposed to be natural mathemeticians?
not always, no.


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21 Nov 2009, 9:24 pm

How about Social Anxiety Disorder? Have you read the symptoms for it? You mention being anxious in social situations more than once in your post. But maybe Asperger's...


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21 Nov 2009, 9:25 pm

Aspie or not, welcome to each of you!

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22 Nov 2009, 1:27 am

A lot of what you said sounds similar to me. I was diagnosed at 14 but i often have doubts. Id be mild at worst and IF you have it you sound like you're 'mild at worst' too

A lot of those traits you mentioned like being a perfectionist and being rational are just your personality type. I think these things are associated with AS cos most seem to be INTP/INTJ. If you read the MB profile info does it describe you quite well? Mine (ISFP) describes me well too, without needing to consider AS.

Youve implied that a lot of the time you may know what you're supposed to do but feel uncomfortable doing it. Thats anxiety, and not necessarily AS. With AS its more just not knowing what to do (i think?). You also may not know what to do because of lack of exposure/confidence/feelings of paranoia, etc. Those can have other causes.

Only one thing you said jumps out to me as odd is the smelling things. And if thats the only one it means you're doing pretty good!

Anyway do some of the tests like the AQ one and see what comes up.

SarahL wrote:
Have you checked out the Highly Sensitive Personality?

If you Google you will find a lot of information. Elaine Aron wrote a book back in 1999 that seems to be the quintecential book on the topic.

Good luck,


I havent heard of HSP before. I might have a look into that too!


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22 Nov 2009, 1:30 am

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Nov 2009, 4:15 am

Check the apergers tests on the interweb thingy answer truthfully and see. Hard to judge.


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22 Nov 2009, 9:29 am

Hi intp,

I don't really have anything to add about whether you could be AS or not.
But welcome to WrongPlanet, and good luck with your self-diagnosis and maybe getting officially diagnosed.

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

Interests: science, experimental psychology, psychophysics, music (listening and playing (guitar)) and visual arts

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22 Nov 2009, 9:32 am

Hi & welcome! 8)

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23 Nov 2009, 1:04 am

Enjoyed reading your story because I’m questioning myself also. But I’m 10 years older than you.

Have you done on-line Aspie test and Asperger’s test?
Do you have anyone in your family with Asperger’s?
Can you stand eye contact?
Do you like routines?

Everyone tells me I can’t have it, but they are just trying to tell me that I look normal. No one actually knows what Asperger’s is.

I’m the only one (among the people I usually talk to) who has researched the theme very obsessively like a true Aspie.

2 days ago I was told by 1 clinical psychologist that all Aspies she has seen were in the hospital and they really couldn’t communicate with people around them. (I told her I suspect I have Asperger’s)
That’s why she thought I can’t have it.
She asked me why do I want a label.

Before I knew about Asperger’s I had read all the books about Highly Sensitive Personality by Aron.
Asperger’s is like new theory helping to understand why I am so different.

I have a question also.
Can you have Asperger’s but still look completely normal for other people?


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23 Nov 2009, 1:07 am

SarahL wrote:
Have you checked out the Highly Sensitive Personality?

If you Google you will find a lot of information. Elaine Aron wrote a book back in 1999 that seems to be the quintecential book on the topic.

Good luck,


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23 Nov 2009, 5:51 am

Trinny wrote:
I have a question also.
Can you have Asperger’s but still look completely normal for other people?
Yes you can. In my case some people who know me quite well also said they thought I didn't have Asperger's, but I do. It is hard to see. I think you'll have to be psychiatrist or licenced and specialised psychologist to be able to 'see' it, and you need information about someone and the development of that person as well. People for whom you can easily see that they are autistic usually have classic autism and very low intelligence.

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

Interests: science, experimental psychology, psychophysics, music (listening and playing (guitar)) and visual arts

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