Who knows you have autism??
my bosses know it and the key people i work with know it.
they have to know it in order to confidently ignore what they otherwise may be very offended about with respect to my behavior.
my girlfriend knows it because she had to be told. so do her parents.
my girlfriend is also autistic, and she is more affected than me. she is affected to the point of retardation, but she is less affected by autism than me when it comes to wanting love.
my heart is as cold as the "surface" of neptune, and i only want company --- and not "love".
romantic love is always polluted by desire and other corrupting influences anyway.
so if i meet anyone who likes me in a way i think i may not be able to service, then i will try to excuse myself by revealing my AS so they may not be as upset as they would be if i was a normal person.
nobody in the mainstream of my daily discourse knows anything about me, and they all have whatever ideas they have about me, but they go home with those ideas, and i go home without them.
i have not furthered this discussion i suspect but there one goes.