I never said there was anything wrong with Muslims settling in Europe and yes, it is a well known fact that white Europeans don't have enough kids to replace themselves. The birthrate in all of the European Union is 1.38. The replacement level is 2.1. And yes I am from Waterloo, Ontario and for your information I'm not even White. I'm Chinese. Look at my name, jc6chan.
I apologise for my mistake, however, this: 'Why do white Europeans have so few kids? I guess they don't mind their culture being taken over by Muslims immigrating here and having so many kids' is almost word for word the standard propaganda line of the British National Party (a white supremacist, deeply racist organisation passing itself off as a political party).
I don't see how looking at your username should have occurred to me, applying that to mine would tell you I'm an Epicurean Ghostbuster.
It depends on the parents' expectations of how much they want to provide the kid. Statistically, poor families have more kids so the cost per raising a kid would be a lot less than families with one kid and both parents working.
that looks completely incorrect to me - more kids in poor families simply means more kids raised in poverty conditions, that is the sentence should be the amount
spent per child would be less than families with one kid. The majority of abortions take place in low and very low income families because the extra child would break the back of the family and hurl all into (often abject) poverty, not in the 'single career woman' demographic as is frequently put out in the US.