Do You Dislike People Getting Physically Close You You?

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Do You Dislike It When People Get Really Close To You?
Yes, it makes me very uncomfortable. 76%  76%  [ 37 ]
It sometimes annoys me, but isn't a big deal. 18%  18%  [ 9 ]
I don't care either way. 4%  4%  [ 2 ]
I kind of like being close to people. 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
I get close to people all the time, and get accused of invading personal space 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 49


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23 Dec 2009, 2:47 am

I know a lot of people here don't like for people to touch them, bump into them, or any of that.. And i don't either. But i also dislike it when people get close to me at all, even if they aren't touching me. It seems like if someone steps toward me past a certain point, it's my natural reflex to step away.. And if someone gets really close to me to help me with something, or whatever, it makes me very anxious. As a small kid i apparently had no problems being cuddly with my parents and everything, so it's something that must have developed over time.. I know that many on the spectrum have problems with getting too close to people or invading others' space, but i'm pretty much the opposite, because i tend to stay farther back from people than is "normal." I also sometimes find that it gets harder to make eye contact with someone the closer they are standing to me. Like if there is a good space between myself and the person i'm speaking to, then i'll probably at least be looking at their face a bit or watching their mouth, but when the same person gets up close to me i pretty much have to turn my head away to be comfortable. Just wanted to see if anyone else has this issue.


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23 Dec 2009, 2:51 am

Yes. I'm very sensitive to touch. If people get too close to me, I get scared because they might touch me. I need my physical comfort zone.

If people ask permission or if they get close to me/touch me for a purpose (eg. putting on makeup, waxing eyebrows), then I still get a little bit tense. Part of it is not under my control, no matter who it is.

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23 Dec 2009, 3:24 am

Accidental touching such as bumping or being in a crowded place doesnt bother me, nor when it is permissive such as getting a haircut, cuddling with someone special or being hugged by someone I know and trust.

On the other hand, if it's some creeper getting into my personal space such as this one guy at work who is a host/greeter who gets into everyone's space then that bothers me.I don;'t like strange old men patting me on the back or leaning on me really close or otherwise touching in an innapprioriate way.

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23 Dec 2009, 3:34 am

I can identify with this - A LOT. I find close contact really difficult. I find eye contact more difficult the closer I get to a person and the more clearly I can see their facial features. I then worry if people think I am being rude because I have to look away and become absorbed with (e.g.) the person's shoes. :?

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23 Dec 2009, 3:53 am

someone coming into my personal space when it is unexpected, unwelcome, or when it seems out of context makes me quite uncomfortable :shaking:

accidental breaches of personal space can be annoying but are essentially out of your control and are not entirely avoidable. the only solution is removing yourself or exiting crowds, walkways, and public spaces.

contact or being in close proximity when it is expected or when it is in context is ok for the greater part (sometimes it does take effort). i do find myself liking hugs and cuddling (and even snuggling) with the right person and when presented with the opportunity. :)

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23 Dec 2009, 5:03 am

I had to flip this salesperson off the otherday becuase they kept asking me to buy something and I told him three times I wasn't intrested but he wouldn't listen and started to follow me. Luckily when I flipped him the middle finger he got the message.

I can feel an energy force coming from people when I am close to them. Like a static. It's not a pleasant thing to expirence. Obese people have more of an energy felid and so do grumpy people. It's physicaly painful for me to get close to people. As a kid, I thought bite and attack when someone touched me or got close because it hurt so bad.

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23 Dec 2009, 6:30 am

I'm not big on physical contact with others. Fortunately, others tend not want to touch me so this works out well.

I am highly in tune with my perceptions. It's reality that I haven't got a clue about.

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23 Dec 2009, 7:26 am

I pretty much do all my Christmas shopping online because I can't stand to go out to the stores this time of year. It's not so much the number of people that I encounter that bother me (although I'd much rather do without them) as it is the pushing, bumping, and space-invading they do. When I don't have any other choice than to hit the stores, I'm so exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed by trying to get away from people and avoid physical contact that I can't even concentrate on getting anything done. I'll be so glad when this week is over!!


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23 Dec 2009, 8:16 am

I actually like being close to people. I like the social and physical contact. It makes me feel that I'm a part of something. I will not allow people to guide my hands. I'm quite capable of doing tasks on my own, and that hasn't happened to me, in years anyways.

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23 Dec 2009, 8:25 am

I don't really like being touched. It makes me feel uncomfortable, especially if they are brushing against me.

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23 Dec 2009, 8:33 am

At my old job people started gossiping that I must have been molested or raped because I didn't want people to get close to me. I wasn't, I just like my space.

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23 Dec 2009, 8:50 am

99% of people, I hate their physical proximity and let it know with "ye olde piercing stare"
But it's completely awesome to have someone I like pound me in the back, shake my hand, hug me or..ahem..more..

Depends on the person, mostly, and I HATE it if someone pounces me by suprise.


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23 Dec 2009, 11:37 am

i regret choosing "very uncomfortable"
it depends on the person. if someone brushes against me in the hall, i might even enjoy it, if they are attractive or something.
i dont like invasion of space from people i'm uncomfortable with, or dislike. my dad has this annoying habit of randomly turning around and getting to close and saying "hello!" too loud, i detest that. i also hate hugs from people i'm not close too. and i get awkward if i have to be too close to a stranger...for example, the otehr day, my tutor sat next to me, instead of across from me...shes just a girl my age, but i still got uncomfortable.
i have the eye contact thing, too. across a classroom, great...right next to me? not so much...
aparently i would run away from hugs often as a child. XD. i cant say i've ever cuddled/snuggled anyone apart from my parents, actually. :(


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23 Dec 2009, 11:50 am

On the wall topic

My fascination with fences, walls, doors, keys, barriers, and the like stem from this need to have my own space and time.

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23 Dec 2009, 12:57 pm

The only people who can make physical contact with me are certain family members, my boyfriend and those who I consider to be good friends. Anyone else (unless I'm getting my hair cut or something like that) is out of the question. I just do not like it, particularly when people touch my trunkal area or my head - what's with that?!

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23 Dec 2009, 1:20 pm

I have a huge problem with it - I even have problems with letting my parents hug me. I love them, but physical contact is just WAY too intense, especially in the form of a hug. I have an art teacher who is always touching my back, and I have a problem with that, but I can't really say anything about it to her. Haha. I see girls hugging each other all the time and think "How odd", because I wouldn't ever hug my friends, because of the "affection" aspect of it.
Its strange though, because I have a guy friend on the autism spectrum (Not Aspergers though) who I allow to hug me, but thats about it. I think we both share some sort of connection...