When surfing the internet, I use either Opera or Firefox. While I would like to use Quicktime to be able to video files encoded using that format, I have a major reservation about Quicktime.
If I have Quicktime installed and go to a band's website and they have MP3 files available for downloading, the Quicktime browser plugin associates itself with MP3 files, and while I am able to play files in the browser window, I am unable to actually download the files to my hard drive unless I pay Apple to upgrade to the premium version of Quicktime,which I refuse to do. --Why should I be forced to give cash to Apple in order to be continue to do something that I was able to do with no problem until I downloaded their software?
If I use IE (Which I refuse to do considering the security holes in said browser) I would be able to turn off the Quicktime plugin, however I have found no way to turn off the Quicktime plugin in either Opera or Firefox, hence my decision to delete Quicktime altogeather.
Is there anybody here that knows a workaround for this issue, or should I continue to not use Quicktime? --I'm having this problem with XP Pro.
When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!