I'm 42 and always suspected I was autistic because of things in my childhood....I rocked constantly (still do, especially if I'm upset), flapped my hands, etc. I was something of a "phenomenon" when I was a child....people always told me I didn't talk until I was almost 3, and then suddenly started, with no baby talk or babbling in between. I spoke in clear, coherent sentences and my adult vocabulary "creeped people out." I was reading at four and scored at near-genius level on at least 3 IQ tests.
I had lousy social skills though....didn't really like other kids, preferred to be off by myself, and was regarded as "weird." The "tics" didn't help and the adoptive parents took me to several doctors. They knew I wasn't ret*d or anything so they shrugged. One idiot pediatrician told them to spank me when I rocked, handflapped, etc, and that would make me stop. I just started doing something else instead.
I max the scores on all the aspie screening tests. I almost hope it's true because at least I'll know I'm not just "weird." I do know that I am not OCD, schizophrenic, etc, because that's all been tested. I do have PTSD from the child abuse.
I can work on teams if I HAAAVEEE to but prefer to work alone. You won't find me at a big party or a club unless I've died and didn't go to heaven. I have friends but they're a small, select group, and I like it that way. Most are people I've known for years, two since childhood, and they like me just the way I am.
I'm 42 and I thank God I'm not in school today....I'm certain I'd be stuffed with Ritalin or some other idiot drug if I was.