lostonearth35 wrote:
I have this weird borderline-OCD thing about odd and even numbers. I hate most odd numbers or multiple-digit numbers that end in odd-numbers. When I go shopping for groceries and stuff I usually buy things in even numbers, like four cans of soup. Then I eat one can and now I have three left and it feels weird and unbalanced. I also dislike many numbers that are pointy and angular, like the number seven. I can almost feel its points poking me through the air. I like numbers that are round and curvy like eight. One odd number I do like is five. Maybe it's because when I display stuffed animals on my bed I like to have one in the middle and two on either side in a way that feels balanced. It's pretty weird, though and I sometimes wish I didn't have this problem with numbers.
I know the feeling.
I was very obsessive about this when I was younger and to some extent it still interferes. Oddly (pun intended), I also am partial to number 5 as an exception to my general antipathy to odd numbers. Evidently I always try to think of odd numbers in terms of a being structured with a middle number and an even distribution to either side as this allows me to be much less anxious and antipathic toward odd numbers.
My dislike of odd numbers is correlated with a more long-standing dislike of asymetry which I was very compulsive about from early childhood onward. I do find that some asymetry is actually palatable to me now, although I had to train myself in this respect and am still somewhat compulsive about physical symetry when it comes to things like stepping over cracks between pavement blocks (I do not like it if one foot steps over cracks first more than the other foot and will adjust my walking to try to keep both feet "even" feeling), or turning my body in space (if I turn 360 degrees for instance I feel "odd' until I turn 360 degrees in the other direction.