I'm confused by something that happened recently. A couple of weeks ago an ex-colleague of mine (who I hardly knew at work) IM-ed me on Facebook and we were talking fairly randomly (enough to establish that we had more in common than I'd thought); she knows I'm a bit strange already; and then (this is not verbatim, obviously, but me attempting to remember neutrally!):
Her: "Oh, did you know I'm single now?"
Me: "Oops, no, my commiserations." (and I specifically
didn't say "hey, I'm freshly single too, let's get down!")
So we got back to talking and:
Her: "I'm a bit lonely and starved for company up here."
Me: "Yeah, I know what you mean, story of my life since I moved away from where I used to live."
Her: "I hardly ever go out."
Me: "Me too, I only ever go out to (a particular local music venue), but there's some good things on soon."
Her: "Oh, well, if you see something you think I'd like, tell me and maybe we can go there some time."
Me: "Okay, sure."
At which point I was thinking, more-or-less, "wow, it'd certainly be nice to have someone to see music with instead of going by myself (I don't
mind going by myself, it means I can sit in a corner, interact with no-one and read quietly while waiting for things to happen! - but I never get to talk about the music), and I may not be good at reading subtext but there certainly seemed to be one there, so why not find out..."
...and did nothing for a couple of days, then sent a PM saying "oh, such-and-such is on, what do you reckon?"...
...and got absolutely no reply from then to now. Which is a bit disconcerting. What did I do? I didn't make any advances or intimate anything other than "music would be nice", and while I wouldn't be averse to Something Else it's hardly a high priority for me (by which I mean, I don't think I'm drooling lustfully after every available person!)
Huh, anyway, I'm baffled. Any ideas, gang?
Assuming she can read between the lines -- you were coming off as desperate. Mentioning being alone once is a statement -- doing it multiple times, especially with a woman, is like begging. And women don't like begging.