i used to skateboard. me and my bro got these rather cheap skateboards when we were about 8 and 10 years old respectively, we'd only jus got home with them before my much elder brother decided to try mine out. and it broke under the weight of him lol... he promised he'd get me a new one to replace it. and within a few weeks he presented me with this board that became one of my prize possessions for the next several years. i still have it actually, minus the trucks. it got a bit tatty but i liked the picture on it so i kept it as a memento lol. it had 'dog town' written on the underside in a cross formation. it was much better quality than the first one i had, and gave me more drive to actually learn to ride it. and incase you're wonderin why my bro got me that one instead of jus getting me another cheap one from the shop round the corner, it was because he'd stolen it from someones garden. i don't condone that sort of thing but that's jus how it came about. i couldn't do any tricks, jus on and off the curb. i skated everywhere i went in my neighbourhood as a kid, jus as a mode of transport really. i liked the wind in my hair. plus, being someone who hopped and skipped everywhere as a kid anything other than jus simply walking felt normal to me... then i moved away when i was 14 and i didn't really adapt to the change in terrain, and no longer had my best friend to skate with either.
sorry for the late post reply, but this was the first time i had ventured into this particular forum (i guess i've never really been into health, fitness, and sports lol)
i'm lost. i've gone to look for myself. if i should return before i get back please ask me to wait