ShiwanKhan wrote:
I have been toying with my own preferred euphemism for my 'somewhere between aspergers and PDD-NOS' diagnosis for a while and have settled on 'exciting brain wiring'. So, who out there has a pet name or euphemism for their own or others' condition?
Rejected euphemisms:
Brain cloud
The mind-staggers
Acute Social Wonkiness Disorder
[Removed - M.]
Hey ShiwanKhan... my Mum was Northern Irish, my Dad is Southern, and for years I used the fact I was a foriegner in this country (I'm in England) to cover some of my differences as cultural rather than brainwiring.
My least favourite euphimism is "brainbox." At a previous job someone said to me, "I suppose you think you're cleverer than the rest of us," and I made the mistake of responding, "well, yes, obviously." I didn't mean it in a pejorative sense... I really was cleverer than the folks I was working with! But for the next year I had comments of "brainbox" when I did something "aspie"... Never mind.
By the way... when I hear about Seattle, I assume it's a haven for aspies. My favourite fictional aspie is from Seattle... Niles Crane.