Desmond Tutu brands homophobe Xtians "hell-bent"

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Mar 2006, 2:39 pm

Declared Tutu: "I am deeply saddened at a time when we've got such huge problems ... that we should invest so much time and energy in this issue...I think God is weeping."
"Jesus did not say, 'I if I be lifted up I will draw some'," Tutu said, preaching in two morning festival services in Pasadena, California. "Jesus said, 'If I be lifted up I will draw all, all, all, all, all. Black, white, yellow, rich, poor, clever, not so clever, beautiful, not so beautiful. It's one of the most radical things. All, all, all, all, all, all, all, all. All belong. Gay, lesbian, so-called straight. All, all are meant to be held in this incredible embrace that will not let us go. All."
He continued: "Isn't it sad, that in a time when we face so many devastating problems – poverty, HIV/AIDS, war and conflict – that in our Communion we should be investing so much time and energy on disagreement about sexual orientation?"
Tutu said the Communion, which "used to be known for embodying the attribute of comprehensiveness, of inclusiveness, where we were meant to accommodate all and diverse views, saying we may differ in our theology but we belong together as sisters and brothers" now seems "hell-bent on excommunicating one another. God must look on and God must weep."
Source: ... 28&id=2141


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08 Mar 2006, 4:13 pm

Excellent, I'm glad someone was able to point out that God loves ALL. I'm no longer a Christian myself (I stopped being one about 5 years ago I think) and I do believe that some Christians actually practice hypocrisy as they preach about loving everyone and God loving everyone but they can be the most judgemental group of people ever. They say being gay is wrong, being a single mum is wrong etc etc and yet I bet they 'sin' themselves. Well done to Tutu!


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08 Mar 2006, 6:07 pm

He's Anglican. What do you expect?


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09 Mar 2006, 1:57 am

Postperson wrote:
He's Anglican. What do you expect?

He's Christian. What should I expect? Why do other Christians think I should expect less from them just because they're not Anglican?

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09 Mar 2006, 6:24 am


Anglicanism has become so far removed from christianity as to be anti-christian. But then, it always was. It was invented so that Henry VIII could get a get the picture. No-one takes it seriously. Neither should you.


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09 Mar 2006, 10:05 am

Postperson wrote:
Anglicanism has become so far removed from christianity as to be anti-christian. But then, it always was. It was invented so that Henry VIII could get a get the picture. No-one takes it seriously. Neither should you.

A Roman Catholic friend of mine once commented that he considered the Anglican Church to be more Christian than the Catholic Church because the latter were full of politics, pomp, and non-scriptural doctrine. Luther came to the same conclusion in the 1500's when he nailed his complaints to the door of the church and formed his own branch of Christianity. The Quakers were persecuted simply for believing that commoners could read and interpret the bible without the help of clergy, which was a direct affront to the power of the church. And we all know what the Catholics did to Galileo...

The only time I really take religion seriously is when the church decides to interfere in democracy, as happened about 2 years ago when the Pope started telling Canadian MPs that they should ignore the wishes of their constituents and make political decisions in accordance with religious doctrine. When something like that happens I definitely understand why Henry VIII was willing to break away from the Catholics. It wasn't just about the divorce, but about the whole question of whether or not to allow the church to form a theocracy and displace the existing government.

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10 Mar 2006, 2:18 am

I like Desmond Tutu, one of the few moderate religious leaders left. He is also a great speaker.

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