No, it's not. There are cases, but they are not common and IMO are related more to pharmaceutical concoctions than autism. I think in general, autistics tend to be non-confrontational in the extreme, and left to their own devices wouldn't even interact much with other people, much less attack them without provocation.
That having been said, we do live with a tremendous degree of frustration, due to our difficulties communicating to those around us WHY we can't always do things the same way they do. Those communication problems can, over time, make a person so exasperated and unhappy that they become quite volatile and may lash out physically because they simply can't find any other means to make people get off their backs, leave them alone and let them do things their own way.
So a person who has never experienced autism might interpret that reactionary behavior as aggressive, because they don't know what its like to explain something to someone until your head is ready to explode, only to have them insist that what you're saying simply isn't so. In those moments, slapping someone upside tha head can seem a perfectly reasonable thing to do.