Dhp wrote:
The day when Sarah Palin becomes president is the day when I move to Canada. No further comment, as it will unleash a terrible tirade of torturous insults and death threats on her.
on HER? more likely on anybody to the left of mccain who dares to express a contrary opinion of her charms. and if you wish to emmigrate to canada be aware that they are singling-out americans for fine-tooth-comb scrutiny- if you have so much as a traffic no-no on your record, no deal. no bachelors degree or above, no deal. chronic health problems, no deal. if you don't believe me, investigate further, you will see. i tried. i did not meet their standards on any front.
they don't even want visitors from america unless they have absolutely no record of offenses no matter how trivial. [ask the legions of folk prevented from entering country to attend the winter olympics] i haven't been able to visit canada in ages.
they are being über-picky for a very good reason- waves of disgusted americans who fled during vietnam as well as during the early months of reagan's first term, before they slammed the door closed on us. they can tolerate us as southern neighbors but they don't want too many of us within their borders.
good luck anyways.