DarkOnister wrote:
IE is the forced standard by windows (There is a debate about this online - which I think they're now letting you choose) which is slow and the interface I thought was horrible.. its just like their new MS_Office; I preferred the old layouts.
Google Chrome is the fastest browser but has some serious security flaws. One useful thing I found about this browser was that it could be run off a USB stick quickly which provides a sigh of relief when your at college trying to work; unfortunately IE is linked to some MS_Office syncing system which goes horribly slow.. Using Chrome saves 15 minutes waiting time for Microsoft's syncing to complete.
Firefox is the best browser I've come across. It has security, addons and customisability. I would keep using this browser if it were for the original start-up times being so slow. For long term browsing its ok, but if you want to view a link quickly that was passed to you by a mate, then you want to actually see whatever it is instead of waiting 2 minutes (various depending on addons) just for the program to load.
my firefox is always open.. yes I dont sutdown my computer just put it on hibinate
existence is your only oblitgation
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