Source: ... utives.htm
Author: Brian D. Hill
Date: March 11, 2010
Source of the Pictures came from Joe My God blog and both pictures are released here under Fair Use under non commercial, political, and educational purposes.
All sources are included within the original articles links within the page, if you cannot access those links or if links have been stripped out then go to the original news site of the article at
(USWGO Alt. News Brian D. Hill)The New York state government wants and is now trying to ban the rights for restaurants to put any kind of salt in their food, not even natural salt because technically all forms of Salt are banned, so any restaurants that use any kind of salt for their foods, will be fined $1,000, which is another sweeping overhaul of taking rights and power away from the business and restaurant rights and allowing the government to further dictate what we eat, how we can eat, when we can eat, and what can be put in what we eat.
[remainder at link - M.]