A_Dark_Star wrote:
I'm 14, and was diagnosed with AS when I was around 10-11, but a so called professional. I've had to live with the insults and the fact I'm thought of as different for a good part of my early teenage life, but the more I read and study AS, the more I don't believe I have it.
I have fairly decent social skills (hell, I speak to people I don't know and manage to make friends with people outside a school situation), I've had girlfriends (I've been told A-sexuality is a trait of AS, although I think that's unlikely), - certainly not traits of the AS I've read about.
Having AS doesn't mean you can't make friends, never have a girlfriend or don't have social skills. It is a major problem among many aspies, but then again, asperger is a spectrum disorder. Meaning it's very different for everybody.
Also, a-sexuality isn't a major trait among AS. There are a lot of a-sexual aspies, but they are a minority.
I've spoken to some people about it, and a lot have even said I don't "look" or act like someone with AS, is there a stereotypical AS look, I haven't read about the genetics of AS.
Don't kid yourself. There is no such thing as a stereotypical look. Not biologicaly speaking.
Also, I realise some parts of this post sound somewhat disrespectfull, I mean to cause no offence and have met many genune and intelligent people who have aspergers and Autism.
no offence taken.
I can't tell you if you have AS or not, but you are looking at the wrong things.
Now for some psychobable, it occurs to me that, since you are just 14, you do not like to be "different", you dont want to be an aspie. So you are desperatly looking for reasons why you can't be.
I hope this post helps.