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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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23 Mar 2010, 2:02 am

what have you tried, does it work?

Blue Jay
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23 Mar 2010, 2:55 am


Dreams begin having clearly a more sharp and crisp in color and resolution. It did seem to increase daily energy levels a little bit. When I try this combo again or additional nootropics, I will be making notes once per day to gauge the changes to back up the changes if any in a more appreciable manner.

This combo should also increase the chance of lucid dreaming occurrences. I did not attempt to test this and there were no increases in spontaneous lucid dreaming events that come to mind. Right about now I'll have a lucid dream about once everyone two weeks.

I will also be taking the cognitive tests Pira+cho is supposed to affect through out the phases.

I'll probably be take this research up on a personal level again in a few months.

Nootropics : An Introductory Guide

Blue Jay
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23 Mar 2010, 4:31 am

I've been taking piracetam + centrophenoxine for about 2 years now, 2-3 800mg tabs of piracetam a day and 2-3 250mg capsules of centrophenoxine. The centrophenoxine breaks down into choline and has the advantage that it can cross the blood brain barrier, so it can get to work quicker. It also has its own positive effects on cognitive function. This combo definitely help me focus, put my thoughts in order and give me more mental stamina. It also seems to have had a positive effect on my physical coordination. I haven't noticed any effect on my sleep or on my dreams though, but I suppose everyone's brain chemistry is different. If I stop taking them it gets noticeably harder to concentrate by the end of the first week and my gross physical coordination decreases by the end of the second week. I also take fish oil concentrate (4x1g/day). Recently I started taking rhodiola rosea for depression, and have had good results. It also seems to enhance the piracetam, and I've reduced my piracetam intake to 2 tablets a day.

I've tried choline and soya lecithan as choline sources and didn't find them as good as the centro, but they're cheaper and do work a bit. I've tried vinpocetine but didn't notice any difference. I've tried picamilon and phenibut (mainly for anxiety but these are supposed to have nootropic effects), but neither of these gave benefits that lasted longer than a week, and I don't know if this was due to the drugs or the placebo effect. I'd like to try aniracetam and oxiracetam, which are stronger relatives of piracetam.

I've found some forums that are useful when you're looking into these things that I've listed below. Taking a good look on mediline or another scientific journal search engine at the research that's been published on these things is also a very good idea. One caveat I'll add about piracetam- it does tend to need extra choline. Some people have enough in their nervous system to benefit from it without supplementation, but many do not. Since autistic people may have fewer acetylcholine receptors in key parts of their brains than non autistics ( ... 131949.htm), this may be of particular relevance to autistics using nootropics. Most of the human trials of piracetam that I've come across did not supplement the test subjects with choline and got very mixed results. ... wforum=169 ... wforum=122

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Mar 2010, 2:09 pm

My dad says that Choline makes you smell like dead fish - has anyone experienced it?

Tufted Titmouse
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23 Mar 2010, 3:06 pm

This supplement called Chlorella seems to have cognitive enhancing effects on me. Its a type of algae. It has very high levels of chlorophyll and chlorophyll if I'm not mistaken helps detoxify the blood and from what I've read high levels of toxins in the body has fairly severe negative effects on overall cognitive abilities.

Probably of no help to you at all but one nootropic I've tried that didn't work for me is sulbutiamine. Other people have reported that that works and on top of its cognitive enhancing properties it boosts energy thats why I ordered it instead of piracetam but one of these days I'm going to order piracetam and give it a shot because I've heard lots of good things about it from many different people.

EDIT: Interesting what a poster above claimed about piracetam giving dreams sharper resolution. A substance I've tried that greatly enhanced my dream recall and made them way more vivid is valerian root extract. I was taking the stuff when I was on Ritalin to help me sleep and not only did it completely counteract the lack of dream recall induced by Ritalin I ended up remembering extremely vivid dreams every night and since I have lucid dreams every night I'd find myself in these crystal clear dreamscapes which appeared sharper and more real than everyday reality.


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23 Mar 2010, 3:36 pm

Besides my medications I take an 'A to Z' multivitamin tablet and 500mg of Omega 3 each morning. It goes without saying that everybody who is into pill-popping and supplements should take these every day too.


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23 Mar 2010, 6:35 pm

Boudicca wrote:
My dad says that Choline makes you smell like dead fish - has anyone experienced it?

Yea,it seems if you sweat an odor emanates, it can also have lingering gastrointestinal effects.

There are other forms that are more friendly such as 'cdp choline' , but phosphatydal choline is 'the one' that readily crosses the blood brain barrier and my wife likes lecithin also.

As of note- tropic (one for sartresue :P ), Ive tried piracetam, anaracetam oxyracetam, hydergine,centrophenoxine,deprynyl , vinpocetine alone and with choline products in my past hypochondria modes.

One time ,and one time only, I got a synergy with piracetam and ginseng and it lasted 8 hours.....don't know why it isn't repeatable.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Jul 2010, 10:27 pm

I've had pretty good luck with various sulbutiamine products. It is kind of a weird change in how the mind works. I get a lot more done, aka have better executive function, but it kind of makes one a bit less creative and free thinking. I generally don't think being less creative is a problem for me, as I tend to go overboard on random creativity. I do wonder what the long term catch is for something that alters me this much.

Tufted Titmouse
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29 Dec 2010, 2:36 pm

Hello All,

I looked at the effects of the racetams on the brain years ago

most importantly has anyone experienced any adverse effects taking any of these supplements?

I was wondering how do you obtain these, as they probably are prescription only medicines. [the racetams are at least]. I know it can be imported with or without prescription, send me a PM if you do this.

And has anyone experienced any breakthroughs such as in research, in writing music or has the effect been to prolong the time your thinking is at its best?

Also does anyone know about its interactions with other medicines, possibly food? It may interact with antiarrhytmic medications - I will check myself if there are any publicised interactions.

This paper may interest a few on here

Akhondzadeh, S., et al. A double-blind placebo controlled trial of piracetam added to risperidone in patients with autistic disorder. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, Vol 39(3), Sep, 2008. pp. 237-245.

I wouldn't advocate using any supplement unless enough data is available about its risks and benefits, from what I have read piracetam is said to be fairly non-toxic, And it is important to know who cannot take a particular supplement such as asthmatics shouldn't take melatonin except with caution on their doctors advice. Unless specifically indicated [a medicinal reason for taking it] any supplements risks may exceed the potential benefit, When I took 1 3mg capsule of melatonin at night, I found my arms and legs became heavy- ?some sort of impaired conduction, I couldn't wake up until it had worn off and I slept in for work, arriving 45 minutes late. I also had an asthma attack soon after using it. [study showed melatonin can decrease respiratory function by 19% in asthmatics]

In addition has anyone experienced a dependence on the supplements used? Eg when they stop taking them they revert to a worse state than before, experience a withdrawal effect such as side effects when coming off the drug etc.


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21 Dec 2013, 11:41 am

I took a tiny, tiny dose of phenylpiracetam this morning. It's been 3 hours, and I still feel great. Focused, energetic, positive. I haven't been going out much at all for the past month - only to do necessary things. I'm just about to go for a walk in my favorite park!! !

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Dec 2013, 2:30 pm

I take fish oil, Bee Pollen tablets, Rhodiola Rosea, Choline and Inisitol. I may reject Choline after reading this.....

The researchers found that Asperger's subjects had a significantly higher prefrontal lobe concentrations of all metabolites measured. Also, the concentration of one of the metabolites (N-acetylaspartate) was positively correlated with obsessive behavior. [u]The concentration of another metabolite (choline) was positively correlated with social impairment.
In other words, the higher the concentration of these chemicals in the subject's prefrontal lobe, the more likely the person was to have a high score on the Yale-Brown or Autism Diagnostic tests. People with highly abnormal prefrontal metabolite concentrations were likely to have highly severe Asperger's symptoms. No differences were found in metabolite concentrations in the parietal lobe

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12 Dec 2015, 2:17 pm

I am still using alpha brain and really feeling positive effects after my very first pill. My all the lucid dreaming and brain fog are vanished. Hurrah!



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12 Dec 2015, 9:03 pm

50mg modofanil twice a day, gets me through tough double shifts in the kitchen.

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13 Dec 2015, 2:37 am

I tried Piracetam & Phenytpiracetam & they had no effect at all. A tictack would of been better cuz a tictack would at least freshen my breath.

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13 Dec 2015, 8:54 am

I've tried noopept, optineuro, choline, piracetam, aniracetam & phenytpiracetam. They were all as equally ineffectual as each other.

My brain sucks.

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