lau wrote:
Moog wrote:
I'm still looking for something truly random. I wish I was a technical aspie so I could do it myself, but alas, I am not.
It's nothing to do with being technical. There is a lot of traffic on the internet. However, none of it is truly "random". There is no magical place where all the URL addressable web sites are recorded. Every server can make up the details as it goes along (and change them, dynamically).
Typing purely random strings in as a URL will never find you ANY web site.
What StumbleUpon does for you is essentially the best that can be done.
Okay, thanks. I was not aware that such a 'magic' place does not exist. Seems like it could by my way of thinking. How did you know I wanted this for magic? Divination in particular. I want to do Internetmancy.
I knew that just typing random cobblers into anything would not achieve much.
I think SU is a workable solution, it just doesn't appear to 'contain' as much of the Internet as I'd like to use as my pool.
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