Klint wrote:
YES! I loved my carpet city!
My favourite toys were Hot Wheels, and marbles (the oversized ones especially). I also loved Pogs. Except I never wanted to play for keeps (I still remember the one camel pog I lost the one and only time I played for keeps). I also didn't want to play too roughly and "hurt" the pogs by denting them.

Kind of missed the point of the game, but I loved collecting them and I had a wicked slammer that won nearly every time. I still have all my pogs and slammers.
I can't remember the name of the game, but that spinning top picture reminded me of a game my gramma still has at her house where you have a couple of small spinning tops that battle in a little plastic arena. I used to play that all the time. It was fun watching them hit each other and go off in random directions, while my brother and I were cheering at the top of our lungs for our top to come out victorious. All the tops had fun little names as well. It might have been called something as simple as "Battle Tops", now that I think about it.
Moving more into the digital age, I absolutely adored Nanos and Gigapets. I had two cat Nanos, one that could talk. And I had two Gigapets: Micro Chimp and Baby T-Rex. I still have them and I've actually brought them back to life fairly recently. Currently I'm not exactly sure where they are but when I find them, they are coming back to life yet again. I always wanted a Tamagotchi but I never got one, though I did have a knock-off version. Furbys were pretty good too at the time, but I liked that you could take Nanos with you everywhere.
Edit: I found the spinning tops game:
Battling Tops. Now I really want to play it! Might have to call up my grandparents and see if I can get it from them.
My dream is to one day know what my dream is.
~Michael Novotny