Aspies, how are you doing financially? (Adults)

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How are you doing financially?(for adults)
Very well, successful career with high income 6%  6%  [ 6 ]
Reasonably well, doing OK jobs with middle class income 20%  20%  [ 22 ]
Not as well as I like, but I can live independently and pay bills 18%  18%  [ 19 ]
My income is not enough to pay bills and I get family or other help 18%  18%  [ 19 ]
I hardly make any money and survive with family help or other help 28%  28%  [ 30 ]
Other 11%  11%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 108


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22 Apr 2010, 4:11 am

I hope it's OK for a newbie like me to post a poll. :) I was wondering how likely it is for adult Aspies to be financially successful?

There are four Aspies in my family, my dad, me, my brother and my son. My dad is a very smart, successful scientist who was published and made good money. I've only ever had boring office jobs and together with DH we maintain middle-class lifestyle. My brother's chronically underemployed and can hardly pay bills. My son of course is still too little. I can't help but ponder about why the difference, and how I can raise my son to be more like my dad instead of my brother.

This poll is only for adults who are out of schools already.


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22 Apr 2010, 5:35 am

Other. I don't think that money is good, desirable and a measure of success (especially for a scientist) as the poll options kinda imply, but if I did I'd fall somewhere between "not enough as I'd like", "getting help from family" and "extremely well paid." Depends on your point of view. :wink:

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22 Apr 2010, 7:29 am

Unemployed and living with parents, but I have quite a bit in savings from Disability Living Allowance over the years.

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22 Apr 2010, 7:38 am

Ambivalence wrote:
Other. I don't think that money is good, desirable and a measure of success (especially for a scientist) as the poll options kinda imply, but if I did I'd fall somewhere between "not enough as I'd like", "getting help from family" and "extremely well paid." Depends on your point of view. :wink:

Well this poll is for financial stuff, not for overall success. :) I'm sure being happy with your life is more important.


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22 Apr 2010, 7:54 am

I don't make a great deal of money, but I am a champion of austere modes of living and thus keep my overhead very low, so I am able to live comfortably. I would much rather work a job that I enjoyed than cynically make superfluous sums of money.


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22 Apr 2010, 8:03 am

I'm still in college, so I didn't vote for myself. I am doing pretty horribly though, money-wise. I'm apparently incapable of finding a job on my own. The only job I ever had (best buy) was acquired with the help of a past boyfriend. And that didn't last long. I hate corporate work... (I suppose it's because I was in best buy mobile selling phones. No where near as interesting as computers or music.)

I voted on behalf of my father though hahaha.
He has no idea what Asperger's even is, but both my mother and I are pretty convinced he's autistic. He has every symptom down pat, and is in some cases even more autistic than I am. He's an engineer, and must make a relatively ok amount of money, but he's absolutely terrible with money. He doesn't save, can't manage funds, nothing. I'm glad he's got a new wife who seems more on top of things than he is. She has separate bank accounts for everything important so he can't spend all their money accidentally on something he thinks is cool (WWII canon, old fighter jet, etc. Examples of things he's blown savings on in the past).

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22 Apr 2010, 8:09 am

I've really done a number on my career but I am comfortable. Somehow, things work out that way, money flows when I need it most - knock on wood.


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22 Apr 2010, 8:34 am

I am very capable of living on my own. I am currently looking for work after graduating from college about 4 months ago.

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22 Apr 2010, 8:52 am

I live at home and am still waiting to go back to work. I'm on disability so I help out with paying bills and groceries.

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22 Apr 2010, 8:53 am

I voted "not as well as I'd like" because although my income is comfortably above what I need to live on, I have to do a full-time job to keep it that way, and I hate that because of the stress, the boredom, the requirement to do what others tell me to to, and the reduced control over my I pretty much need to retire early, which means that I have to put away a lot of my salary as savings to tide me over until my pension kicks in. If it weren't for my attitude to employment and my plans to liberate myself from it, I'd have voted for the next one up on the list. I've still got a year or two to go before it'll be economically feasible to take the plunge, so technically it's possible that I'll change my mind and stay on. Whilever there's that shadow of doubt, I don't know if I'm economically comfortable or not. Weird, eh?

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22 Apr 2010, 9:37 am

I have a boss that must have a sixth sense.

I'm a level 4 programmer, which is as high as you can go without being a director. There are 3 or 4 of us at that level and all the others have people that have to manage. I don't, I basically work alone, manage my own projects, set my own timelines and just meet with my boss every two weeks to discuss any issues....basically what I consider and Aspies dream job and he didn't know I had AS.

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22 Apr 2010, 9:38 am

Sorry web double posted

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22 Apr 2010, 10:50 am

I haven't voted in the poll because I know it just said adults and I'm just 15, but I'm learning the stock market and learning how to program so I can start an iPhone app business, so I'm hoping to make some good money from those things! Plus, in the future, I'm going to be rich. No doubt about it, there's only the question of which venture I'm doing that will make the real money. I plan to be a hedge fund manager when I'm older, and a good one of them can really bring in good money.


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22 Apr 2010, 11:05 am

I'm capable of living on my own, and I'm able to pay my own bills.

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22 Apr 2010, 11:17 am

we are doing fine financially but i do acknowledge the problem.
probably both you and your brother are equally intelligent than it comes to the matter of choices. he wanted something that is too difficult or not so lucrative.
for example both my husband and i had the same degrees form the same univerisities (even the departments) but his pay was always higher since he is in computers and my field is more physics. biologist earn even less and language profs even less and it is much more difficult to get ajob for them.
it is a matter of chasing ones dreams or going for the practical solution. considering that it is very difficult to predict what is going to be a good job in next 20 years, i would just leave the kid alone and try to develop a common sense being one always need basic needs met first.


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22 Apr 2010, 12:49 pm

I am not working at all at the moment. I do have widows benefits and disability for medical illness that help me to live. I would love to work and make more money again. But I need to work at something that will not stress me out and make my medical illness worse. So I'm going to have to follow my bliss and work on my own at one or a couple of my special interests.