ImMelody wrote:
It can be very dangerous to willy nilly give to your Autism Society local chapter. My local chapter is very bio-med and pro-cure friendly. To the point that they very tightly moderate those with opposing views. I'd be much more apt to donate to a local organization that I know promotes ND views.
I would think that everyone would be careful with whom they give their money to. And of course, different chapters have their cultural quirks. Some,like you said, may be very biomed. Others might not. My local chapter for instance holds an options policy.That is, there is information on neurodiversity, biomed, and the pros and cons of each--so that families and individuals can make their own choices.
In either case, I would think that by donating to local organizations, more money would stay in the community--and would lean towards more pragmatic service-oriented uses than hypothetical magic cures for future generations.