pschristmas wrote:
dyingofpoetry wrote:
I'm aware of it and I am still mind blind.
I am, in fact, MORE mind blind now that I am aware of it... and I am not being facetious.
I know exactly what you mean. There's a big difference between not knowing something and
knowing that you don't know it, isn't there?
Chronos, I understand what you mean, too. I had a psychology professor once many, many moons ago, who made a comment to a lecture hall audience that no-one ever wore green to his lectures. Five hands went up in the audience, all people who were wearing some shade of green. He just didn't recognize the colors as green. He said he could see colors of tree leaves and grass and knew them as "green," but the other shades just didn't register. He later got tested and found that he was actually red-green color-blind. He said that ever since then, he had never been quite certain that the colors that he experienced as "red" and "green" were actually what other people experienced as "red" and "green." My misunderstanding or not registering expressions is like this: I get the big ones, it's the subtle shifts in between that I seem to miss, and for most people those carry a great deal of meaning that I never knew I was missing.
aha. thank you so much for the colorblind professor story.
ok, now i understand what dyingofpoetry meant by this.
that is exactly what i have experienced. before the recognition, i had no idea i was misinterpreting people. i was interpreting people (i.e. attributing incorrect interpretations, often negative ones, but with absolute certainty). therefore, i thought i could interpret people.
and now that i know that, i am more confused but also happier. it is like the professor: if i don't see something as green, it might still be green. translated into human interaction, that means that if i don't perceive someone as liking me or listening to me, that doesn't mean it's true. this knowledge
immediately made me feel better. of course, i often have no idea what's actually going on, but i no longer form a negative conclusion about something - i recognize that the info. i'm taking in is inconclusive.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.