pschristmas wrote:
ElysianDream wrote:
I spoke with a friend of mine, and she actually said she finds it annoying when old school friends contact her on facebook.
Agreed in that, although the concept of FB is great, and works well for many, it can be exclusionary and especially for Aspies. I do not appreciate that FB states, "So-and-so has X-many friends" since that's a comparative statistic that is not really fair. I regard the Wrong Planet as a sort-of FB for us! And so much better. CockneyRebel is a friend.
Friends in "real-life" would be ideal but I think NTs are often "friends" only because they share work/academic space with another, which can be quite superficial. I've made the mistake of thinking someone is my friend, where I really like and trust them, only to realize that they might like me but within just the confines of that environment - and maybe not elsewhere. That hurts. For ex: I have/had friends at my University (post-graduate level and related) but I never actually see them outside that realm. So I know what you mean; finding real friends is very hard.
What hurts is that not-so-good individuals, with plenty of unfavorable characteristics, seem to easily have plenty of friends, as if NTs seek out quasi-shady individuals! Why is that? I understand they like others who are "relate-able" to them - whatever that is supposed to mean. In school (like grade-school, etc) I was teased for being "too good" and may be prissy. But I do want to please and adults were and are easier in this way. Still, even now, I don't much like my peers but instead those who are older and safer.
Facebook is a support group for Neurotypicals.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown