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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 3 May 2008
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 49

03 Jun 2010, 12:06 am

Hello again! It's me. I was wondering-- well, thinking. I was diagnosed a few years back, freshman or sophomore year. Since then, I've looked up a bum-load of stuff, read, studied up. Much of it applies to me-- and I can understand some of the crazy people on this site. I wondered if anyone had an opinion on the way aspies think? I've read that they're purely visual thinkers-- but I've met a bunch of people who aren't. Soo.. Anyways! Just wondering, and jazz. *passes out cookies* Thanks for listening.

~A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.~