walk-in-the-rain wrote:
There is some sort of therapy called AIT (auditory integrative training) but I don't know if it would help desensitize a person to one specific sound. I have heard of before but am sceptical about it myself. There seems to be either two sorts of opinions about it - it helped or it didn't do anything (lol) and it can be expensive. Maybe others here have used it before or could give you more info.
Is it a loud cough that is upsetting him or any kind of cough? I know when someone has a really harsh cough the sound can be grating like if someone makes a loud banging noise. That could be a sensory overload for him and mkaing him get out of control. If it is just any type of cough than maybe he is relating that to a bad experience. Or it could be some sort of OCD behavior but if it was a germ thing than I don't think he would be getting close to the person to hit them but running away from them. I would also think that someone sneezing might set him off to if it was that.
Thanks for all of your responses!
I'm curious about AIT therapy, if there's even the *slightest* chance that it could help.
I think his behavior is definately what you would call "OCD". This whole problem originated when we took him on vacation with us to Mexico. My sister and her best friend were both sick, and spent the whole time coughing.
Ever since then, he hasn't been able to stand hearing anyone cough.
He has really good hearing, so it could be that he's just really bothered by the noise itself. On the other hand, he seems to get upset even if someone quietly clears their throat.
It's definately some kind of OCD thing, so I'm not sure how you would go about improving it.