Wondering about this aspect of AS and/or autism.
I have been reading a book about AS and gustatory sensitivity is mentioned as one symptom. It is also one of the most indicative in my case. I have always been a picky eater, but not a "typical" one. Parenting guides and doctors advised my parents to not give me food until I ate - they never went that far, because I would just not eat if I didn't like any available food. I mean, I would lose my appetite and sometimes feel nauseous, just from the smell of certain foods (egg salad STILL always makes my gorge rise). When I was 9, my family went to Greece when my grandmother died and I only ate french fries for a month, one evening my skin pallor turned green and I nearly fainted.
This didn't change as I grew up. At 25, there is a strict list of foods I prefer to eat: some McDonald's, BK and other fast food burgers, tuna sandwiches from Subway only, cheese/pepperoni pizza from most places, grilled cheese sandwiches, bagels with cream cheese, beef patties, and maybe 5 other things, if I feel like it.
I do not like most home cooking, my own least of all. I could cook for others, pick myself up a quarter pounder meal and be totally happy.
The problems with this are numerous: the food is unhealthy, it's expensive, it's embarrassing to go out with people and insist on kids food or go to peoples' houses and be unable to eat what they give me. But even if I resolve and try really, really hard, I will get so hungry that I will go back to my usual diet.
Has anyone else experienced this?