I dont know, being designed differently is a good thing i think..
You see how most NT's do what they are told, we on the other hand we do what we feel is right and we do things that are out of the norm..
We learn at a very insane fast pace, and we know alot of things.. If we were normal we wouldn't have the luxury of knowing everything and nothing at the same time. We would be boring as hell to many people, We do interesting things because it catches our eye, ear, or thought.. Not because it has to be..
I was thinking about this last night.. I met someone who has MS and i was thinking about past relationships on how everyone i knew had a physical screw up..
Then i started thinking well I am physically sound never get sick and what not.. I wonder if being mentally screwed is my payback, then I thought well no.. I have learned alot of things and know alot more than typical people. I have a thirst for knowledge and would never trade it for being normal ever..
I guess I actually like being designed differently than others, it sets me apart from them and would like it that way..
In the end it makes you who you are.. whats the point in being the same if you can never see anything different.. Anyway thats my thoughts and what i think.. Take it for what it is, because thats all it is.. that.