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23 Jun 2010, 9:55 pm

I could never educate my own condition because I am too embarrassed having it. Even as a kid I would try and explain to other kids why I talk so funny but they still made fun of the way I talked. :roll:

Not all bullies can be educated. Perhaps I didn't do a good job explaining it to them? My mom did try and explain why I talk funny to my neighborhood bullies one time and they were still mean to me.


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23 Jun 2010, 10:04 pm

Explaining my condition is so embarrassing.

It don't take no Sherlock Holmes to see it's a little different around here.


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23 Jun 2010, 11:19 pm

Tell them, that your papers say that you're average or above in intelligence.

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23 Jun 2010, 11:42 pm

no win situation, really.
Bullies by nature are not going to pay attention to the explanation.
If they do, it will only be to gain more dirt to throw at you... More things to intentionally misinterpret so that they can fill their insecurities with false bravado.

I don't know the solution. Public awareness is about all that helps.


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24 Jun 2010, 12:48 am

How should kids handle bullies, I have to say with fists and feet. The only thing that made the bullies leave me alone. When I tried to talk to them it mostly ended with a hardy asswhoop'n with me as the looser or with them saying something like look at the little ret*d trying to sound smart then with me getting beat up. :x If I had a kid with Aspergers I would pay for him to get boxing and judo lessons. Its better that your kid is the kid beating people up then the one who got beat up.

You can sit there argue that its better to teach your kid to use his/her head but the bully will certainly use your kid's head as a punching bag. At least with some fighting training they will learn blocking and holding techniques that will keep them from getting punched or kicked and perhaps keep the bully at bay with a non-violent hold or throw.

Snowy Owl
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24 Jun 2010, 12:57 am

"A fire is sustain by fuel and oxygen."
Like wise the bully is also sustained by the fuel of feeling better than other people.

Bully's generally are insecure about themselves and hurt other people to make them selves feel better. It's probably best just to ignore them or make them look like idiots and out smart them which can actually be very enjoyable :D


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24 Jun 2010, 1:15 am

What I have read about how to deal with bullies is to confront them by telling them you don't like what they do to you and how it makes you feel. To me that is a joke because bullies like to hurt people and you never ever tell them they are hurting you and all or it gives them more power. They must not know they are getting to you. Never let them see you cry either or upset.

I know there is unintentional bullying where someone is teasing thinking they are being funny and they aren't understanding why the person is getting so upset.

Snowy Owl
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24 Jun 2010, 1:21 am

No, no, no--When dealing with bullies, you should not try to explain to them that they're mistaken and that you're not actually an idiot because you get good grades, etc. They don't care about that at all; they just like bullying; It's fun for them. The solution is mainly to just ignore them, but striking back is certainly an option.


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24 Jun 2010, 2:24 am

I handled bullies (terrorists) in high school
with my smart mouth and a home built tazer.

A good 50,000 volts at 20Hz with a 2 pronged
cattle probe does a good job of getting their
attention, especially when you whip it out of
your pocket suddenly and jab them in the
solar plexus with it and hit the juice.

Jeff Wiredxxxxx never messed with me
but one last time, and got it agagin on the
very last day of school, left him on the ground
gaspiing for air and half paralysed.

A Boy And His Cat

When society stops expecting
too much from me, I will
stop disappointing them.


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24 Jun 2010, 3:28 am

This isn't going to work against really awful cruel bullies, but one thing I learned when I was much older is that if somone is taunting you, for instance if they steal your pen (or some other object) and then keep moving it from one hand to the other so that you're helplessly trying to snatch it first from one hand then the other while they keep pullng it away, that just makes you look weak, and you're buying into their taunting. It's much more effective to just slam right into them, not violently or to hurt them, but it will throw them off balance. You may or may not get your pen back, but it's just a pen, and it's more important to show you won't be a patsy to their games. (But if the bully might actually hurt you, don't try this, just walk away.)

If you are able to come up with a combeck when someone is teasing you, don't say it in anger or stridently, because, again, that makes you look weak. If you can't come up with a comeback, walk away, acting like they're just an annoyance, not like you are afraid or upset.

When people tell you to just ignore a bully, they don't tell you how to do that. If you don't react and pretend they're not there, that won't work. You have to figure out how to give them a withering look or seem annoyed at them like they are a gnat.


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24 Jun 2010, 3:31 am

*chants* "cagefight!...cagefighttt!...cagefightttttt :o !"

+"Beneath all chaos lies perfect order"


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24 Jun 2010, 3:35 am

No no, this is how you deal with a bully:



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24 Jun 2010, 5:50 am

League_Girl wrote:
I could never educate my own condition because I am too embarrassed having it. Even as a kid I would try and explain to other kids why I talk so funny but they still made fun of the way I talked. :roll:

Not all bullies can be educated. Perhaps I didn't do a good job explaining it to them? My mom did try and explain why I talk funny to my neighborhood bullies one time and they were still mean to me.

i have a saying that i tell my niece and i will be telling my kids. " you can't educate a idiot"

Blue Jay
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24 Jun 2010, 6:36 am

Just think through these things:
1 Is this likely to happen again?
2 Can I beat them up?
3 Will there be any repercussions if I do
4 Are there witnesses? (witnesses are good, they can say that the bullies started)
5 If this goes bad can I outrun them? (very important)

danieltaiwan wrote:
It's probably best just to ignore them or make them look like idiots and out smart them which can actually be very enjoyable :D

Yes, but beating them up can also be quite fun.

LittleTigger wrote:
I handled bullies (terrorists) in high school
with my smart mouth and a home built tazer.

A good 50,000 volts at 20Hz with a 2 pronged
cattle probe does a good job of getting their
attention, especially when you whip it out of
your pocket suddenly and jab them in the
solar plexus with it and hit the juice.

Jeff Wiredxxxxx never messed with me
but one last time, and got it agagin on the
very last day of school, left him on the ground
gaspiing for air and half paralysed.


You're unique, just like everybody else.
Not sure if I have it or not, + to lazy to get a diagnosis. (Nope not kidding.)