I am 26 years old, I live with a mother and father who are both unemployed. My father was a day laborer for most of his life, now at 58 years old in a recession economy and lack of a license (due to DUI charges) he cannot find a job. He's been on unemployment for so long that he is denied further benefits. My mother while educated to the point where she at least got an A.A. degree way back when is also unemployed (however she basically is an over the phone salesperson for Shacklee) and went the better part of 48 years of her life without being diagnosed for mental health issues and now she has been assessed for schizophrenia. She currently believes she is employed in a job that will eventually buy her a home and get her out of the trailer park we currently live in, but my opinion is that she is involved in a pyramid scheme and her delusions will only hurt the rest of her family.
I work at a group home for the developmentally disabled, struggle with trying to find a job that actually has having a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite and make enough to pay my bills but not enough to be able to help with rent, food or other costs of living for my family. I also have student loans to pay off, a car that wobbles when I get it moving above 60mph (which on most roads I shouldn't be) and a cell phone bill to pay off. My situation saddens me to the point where my friends and even extended family say I should cut my ties with my parents, move in somewhere else and try to start building a better life then.
I told that story so I could offer some perspective on your dilemma, at 20 years of age you still have many options. If you want to get out of your house to get away from your family then your going to have to deal with some serious consequences. I am by nature a practical and pessimistic person, and I could list many of the issues you will have when you try to become independent as well as having a job you like but the others are right. I have to remind myself frequently that I still have many options even at 26 years of age because I start to hyperventilate but it can be done.
Education is one thing to work on, if your just looking at education to find a better job look at job skills training programs near you. With this many dislocated workers in the states and world I am sure there is some sort of nonprofit programs near you to help them that would probably be willing to help you. Federal pell grants for college are also an option, they contribute a significant amount of funds to people that can't afford to go to school on their own but require certain info from family too so there's a rub, also if you go that route they will only cover up to a bachelor's level education so be wary of career ideas young electricians.
Housing varies from place to place, in MN we have what's called section 8 housing, it takes a long time to get to the top of the list but with a minimum wage job it is a necessity. While you wait though you can form the various lists of tasks you will need to do for yourself. Start writing lists of all the things you would need to do to clean an apartment, then a car, perhaps a pet and most importantly yourself. With independence also comes bills, start writing yourself a budget to live by and include a portion of that to go to savings, you never know when some crazy water damage or insect infestation could happen, let alone a drunk driver hitting your car.
Even if you do a minimum wage job you hate, you need to find something your proud of, personally I would never share what I am proud of with anyone but what you are proud of is going to be more important than a sh***y living situation and a grim career outlook. I've seen people content working at fast food restaurants most of their lives, including the mayor of at least one city. A job is sometimes just a job, don't make it more important then your life.