This is my first time making a thread form my boost Juno
I know form my self and others with ASD and or other disability, at times suffer form depression that depression can be cause by not being understood by our neurotypical peers, I'm not saying NT don't get depressed so this thread is not just for those with ASD, bioblar, M.M.R, NLD, ADD,
ADHD, and other neurological disorder and are diseases such as AIDS, HIV, neurofibromatiosis, cancer, M.S ect, it not to say if depression is real or not, it is to answer how do you deal with it. this is a web glossary of depression.
If you've been struggling with major depressive disorder, also known as depression, its symptoms are all too familiar to you
Sadness or excessive crying
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that used to be enjoyable
Changes in appetite (more or less) or weight (gaining or losing)
Feeling tired
Difficulty sleeping—too little or too much
Agitation or doing things more slowly
Negative thoughts, including thinking about death
Feeling worthless or guilty
Poor concentration or having difficulty making decisions
Low energy level
If your depressive symptoms have not been resolved, and you don't want to give up the progress you've already made, you have an additional option. Your doctor can evaluate your treatment plan and if appropriate, make changes. It's important when talking to your doctor to be open and honest about any depressive symptoms you may be feeling.
i have change for the better.
Last edited by MONIQUEIJ on 16 Jul 2010, 2:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.