I feel so much like I am just existing and surviving in this world, waiting for it to be over, rather than having a fun time and really living in it.
So that I don't have a meltdown or stress out too much, I do my familiar things, listen to my familiar music, eat the same food every day because I like it., eat out at the same places and order the same thing each time I go. It's comforting to me, but at the same time feels really silly.
I like to browse the net and read books looking at my special interests. I have horrible anxiety and depression but have adverse reactions to the medicines that would help with this. There is probably one out there that would help but it's a hell of a lot of work to find out which, and painful for my body to experiment on finding one that might work when from experience, so many of them cause scary side effects to me.
I feel like I've been sentenced to this life where I have to constantly manage myself and keep away from stressful situations, people, things, lights, noise etc etc where for NT people, they don't even have to consider this stuff. For me, it's exhausting, but from experience, if I don't do these things that manage my body/self, it leads to total breakdown and becoming really wound up.
So I have a choice, either choose to care for my body the way it is, perhaps look at myself as having a disability of sorts which needs to be taken care of (which I do), same as a diabetic would keep taking their insulin or a paraplegic uses their wheelchair or, I can choose not to care for myself and become completely stressed out and lead to meltdown/shutdown.
Which do you choose? and how does it make you feel making that choice?