monastic wrote:
SassafrasTea thanks for the reply. Between you and Civet though you have blown my "left-hand/right-hand" theory
oh well, it's all very interesting though. I have no problems reading maps either but when I have to figure my left hand from my right hand, I feel for a little callus on my left hand (from writing) and that's how I know which is which (sad but true).
Are we all females? (feeling another theory brewing) Are there any autistic males out there that have this problem of remembering which hand is which?
I dunno about your theory being blown, I think this might be a processing thing, and maybe works differently for different people?
Wish I had the callus thing, gee, that would be handy LOL. I have a feeling its a lot quicker than figuring north/south when facing west.
And yes, I'm a female, and probably wired more like a male in this respect. I think my DH is wired opposite to me, as he always gets lost, can't read a map and laughs REALLY loud when I forget left/right. At least when we're together we can get somewhere!