The other day i was reading the article on "Mozart and the whale". It ends by saying that it is a good film but: "But don't look for this to be the film that communicates ASD awareness to the general public or makes it "cool" to be an aspie. That step must wait for some other film."
I taught "Well, let's do it". And that is what I propose here. I think there is enough poeple here to build a mountain of ideas with some brainstorming session. With a more or so coordinate work we would be able to find a good story from the best ideas and make a viable scenario. After that just find a producer and voilà!
If the story is good enough, producers will manifest themselves (with a bit of encouragment of course!).
So what it takes to make a good film ? First: ideas, second: a couple good and easy to catch storys that will run in parallel and cross each others somtimes, some good punch, some good action, a plethora of cocasses scenes, a good ending, moralisator but not too much, family type (no violence, no sex nor offending language etc, humoristic)....
Well, thats my view of it, I maybe wrong, probaly incomplete..., feel free to comment, reject, add anything... anyway the idea is there, we'll work on the details down the road. How many poeple here would participate in anyway ? I personnaly don't have many scenarios or storys ideas, maybe some anecdotes..., but i can "manage the projet" if you will, unless we have here a scenarist who would like to take the lead, i have no objection....
I sincerly think that we can team up and produce that film that will change our (PDD) lives and relations we have with NTs...
If the project starts, we will work in this thread for exchanging ideas etc... so it would have to be sticky.
Manifest your interest and ideas here.