alexptrans wrote:
I can only handle one friend at a time, at the most. So it happens sometimes that a person will try to befriend me at first, and then drift away when they realize that I don't have any other friends. Maybe they think that being my only friend is too big of a responsibility? I don't know. Has anyone else had similar experiences?
I am exactly like you. I don't handle groups of friend and usually only talk to one friend though I was part of a group this year. I'm not talking anymore to those I met during the year because I can't create bond with people when I'm part of a group, but I kept two close friends who never felt the need to form a group when I was with them and prefer to stay with me when I'm not with anyone else.
I think some people just enjoy being with large groups of friend and find it more normal, they probably have fun that way which is why they drift away from you, perhaps they feel lonely when they have only one friend around them. Some people are just more gregarious than others and don't feel comfortable when they're not surrounded by people. I've seen many people who didn't seem to understand how someone could not enjoy being surrounded by a group of "friend".
Yet, there are some people who enjoys both being surrounded by people and being alone, I don't know whether these ones are the only one who can be a true friend or not because my definition of friendship is probably not the right definition, yet I think that it"s the only kind of person someone who isn't very gregarious can be friend with. Others may just find you odd for not having "enough friends"