Cindy, I agree with you that our traits were much more common in early Europe. In a way, you could say Aspies stems from early populations as well, but this still doesn't explain the origin, IMHO.
Some believe that Aspies are a future species, but evolution doesn't work with a result in mind, so this idea is impossible from a scientific perspective.
Nomaken, you would generally be correct, if it wasn't for selective breading. There is considerable selective breeding going on between Aspies today, and probably this has always happened. This is because the social preferences are very important when people find their partner. These are also the very one's that create new species without isolation. Selective breeding will keep the social preferences and linked traits together for extended periods of time, and certainly for the mere 1,500 generations since Hn disappeared.
Besides, the proofs are emerging from the Aspie-quiz, and the new evaluation I'm working on. I've activiated the quiz again and
now I store "referrer site",which means I know were everybody that answers the quiz got the link (but not who they are). Some
sites have very narrow topics, so the results from those can be used to correlate topics with Aspieness. Some sites are "NT", and will provide a more suitable reference group.
Sophist, you are certainly right that neanderthals had got a bad name, and this is not backed up in reality. For instance, there are evidences that they made glue, cared for their dead, manifactured flutes and so on. The African origin of the whole humanity
also does not explain why Eurasians generally have higher IQs, slower maturation and so on. This is much better explained
by Hn inheritance.
No, Sophist, modern DNA is not leaning towards no interbreeding. On the contrary, every haplotype in Eurasia that is older than 100ky or so is proof against this idea. The list of such haplotypes is growing longer and longer. Many people are heading away
from the replacement ideas.
As for low-functioning autistics, I don't think they survived, but that is irrelevant. The high-functioning one's would keep the
genes in the pool, and occassionally create low-functioning dead-ends.