I don't think that it's a case of Republicans promoting obesity, I think that obesity is a side effect of Republicans promoting cheap food.
Totally agree and will add their policies for supporting big business and the privitazation of everything by the means of deregulation have led to not just fat Americans but sick ones as well.
The term "food" is used very loosely today. The crap on the shelves is so full chemical additives and and the marketing of these products is so overwhelming, smart and sly that most folks really have no idea what they're really eating. Processed foods have such little nutritional value and instead of turning towards natural and organic sources (way too expensive), companies artificially fortify everything and advertise "now with 12 vitamins" and other such absurdities. People are essentially just popping pills and stuffing their faces with twinkies all day without even knowing it.
That doesn't even scratch the surface either. Our meats, dairy, and even crops (via seeds) are run by a handful of gigantic corporations who clearly need to improve their safety, sanitation, and employee relation practices. The farmers can't afford Monsanto prices and how many recalls do we really need to understand just how eff'd our "food" supply really is?
There's no way the free market can fix this disaster.